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F.Y.I. This story takes place 5 years after the ending of My Boo (if you haven't read this Webtoon yet, please CHECK IT OUT!)

I will do my best to keep from spoiling certain elements from the webtoon in this. I'm not sure whether or not I plan on actually continuing this storyline, so for now it'll be one shot each time I update.

My pull-out game is kinda weak atm because I haven't sat down to write fiction in a VERY long time, but I will do my best to not tap out immediately. This chapter is essentially just a pilot chapter of me trying to refind my voice as a writer again. I just seriously encourage everyone to read the original webtoon (it was soo good! ;v;)

Please excuse any major grammatical issues.

Art Credit/ Original Scan: Jeongseo


It's been 5 years since Jun last stood in front of me. The paleness of his face, the platinum color of his then blonde hair.... until now, I had never once recalled these features. Or rather, that's the lie I choose to tell myself every night before I sleep. I thought I was over the pain. The loss. Or was it even really a loss? It wasn't like he was physically there, but he his presence was there. The reluctant nature of my heart had since allowed Mr. Jun Ko to fade away, or so I thought. I thought I was finally able to let go of the ghost that once occupied my living space.

But I learned a little too late... that just as I was apart of his fate, he still continues to be a part of mine.

I never returned to that house. Not after studying abroad and returning home. When I discovered the truth, that our destinies were somehow connected, upon my return I had made the prompt decision to move closer towards the water. The vast sea, which I once feared and despised was now my requiem of peace. I have since kept up with my editorial work and I do my best to keep myself busy. Because of Jun, I even adopted a kitten and named her y/n. Her honey exterior is a constant reminder of the warmth I felt with Jun, although I was only able to feel him for such a brief moment, that moment felt like an entire lifetime.

Sometime last week, I found myself near Seonim Bridge to receive a package from a client and my troubles began again.

A peculiar face with a familiar expression of awe caught my attention. It was a young man whose expression seemed to be longing for the endless bottom of the bridge. He was crouched almost in a fetal position and his gaze was heavily fixed on the area below. Although I'm never usually one to really interfere with people and their actions, I found myself somewhat interested in this person's strange behavior and I wanted to confirm the current situation.

"Hey, are you....a tourist?" I found myself asking this question awkwardly aloud before fulling thinking it through. Damn, I'm such an idiot. Clearly, if he was a foreigner he probably wouldn't be fluent enough to understand? He looked up at me, obviously confused by my question, so I decided to recover. "I mean, you seem to really be interested in uh, looking the water?" I tried again in English and he smiled a little, realizing probably the circumstance of my question.

"No, I can't say that I'm much of a foreigner," His Korean is perfect, but the accent was a bit strange. "But I've never been to Jeju. I heard this was a must see stop for tourists." His voice was somewhat calm and his gaze reverted back towards the downward direction the the endless bottom below.

"Oh, well...yeah." I was trying to a find a way out of this awkward situation but I just kept falling right back in.

"But I mean, the tourists are usually attracted to the bridge." I said as I pointed towards the general direction. "You seem more interested in what's down below."

He laughed a little, a chill rolled down my spine because oddly enough, his laugh sounded oh so familiar.

"Ah, you must think I'm weird then, I'm sorry," He said finally standing up from his crouched position, "I'm not...thinking anything strange. I'm actually somewhat terrified."

"Huh?" He turned to fully face me again and shrugged his shoulders as he sighed.

"Being up this high, next to the bridge like this, it's amazing but..." His voice was quivering .

"Looking below only reminds me of two things, my fear of heights and my inability to swim" His voice was a bit strained as he seemed somewhat embarrassed by this revelation.

"Ah, I see." I said haphazardly scratching my head. This situation couldn't get any worse could it?

"Ah, but thanks so much for the concern," He said as he approached me reaching out his hand, "If you hadn't said anything, I might of would have had a little episode."

"Ah, well... it wasn't that serious. I was just being curious." I touched his hand and the experience of Deja vu really kicked in.

"What's your name by the way?" He asked me suddenly gripping my hand.
"It's Yuri S-" I began before I noticed his eyes. His soft hazel eyes gleamed back at me and I felt as if I was going to melt.

"Yuri? Oh, that's pretty. My name's Yasu Jin, but just call me Jin." He said with a genuine smile. I felt my heart skip a beat.

Everything about this man standing in front of me wreaked of Jun. I thought I was over him, but by meeting this person it made me realize how I couldn't shake him. 

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