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Jasmine woke up with the sun blinding her as her mother flung open the curtains with an energy Jasmine herself did not feel.

"It's time for school," her mother yelled harshly before exiting the bedroom.

It was indeed, time for school.

Outside the window, was a grand view. A large forest stretched for miles, almost as if it was trying to get away from the dark manor that Jasmine was a resident in. The branches reached like claws towards each other.

"For support probably," she thought as she sat up and moved her thick down filled cover aside.

On steady and strong legs, she stood up and walked over to the window. Down below, a stable boy tended to beautiful purebred stallions, whose hot breath showed white in the chilled air. He looked up and gave a quick toothy grin before focusing his attention to his work on the handsome mare.

Jasmine sighed and closed her curtains to avoid any more attention from the strange boy.

He was the only one unafraid of her.

The Master's only child.

It was a heavy burden to bear, it manifested itself in the dreams that came to her in the night, and the dangerous thoughts that haunted her during the day. She had voiced the thoughts once, and was forbidden from ever stepping foot outside the manor. Lest someone hear these atrocious thoughts and bring dishonor on the family name.

Her face turned quickly to one of disgust as she looked through the dresses in her wardrobe.

They were all far too sophisticated for her taste. Her thoughts drifted to her dreams in which she often clad in a long black dress that somewhat resembled an undergarment. It would be an out outrage if she was ever seen wearing such a thing in the presence of men.

The thought made her chuckle as she grabbed one of the less elegant dresses and pulled it on with some struggle. The dresses usually fit better with the corsets provided to her, but Jasmine was never one for suffocation.

A knock at the door tore Jasmine from her thoughts and threw her back into reality.

She quickly tied the dress in the back then strode to the door, opening it, expecting her mother to be on the other side.

"Oh," Jasmine's eyes widened as she recognized her maid,"Jane. What is it?"

"The Lady sent me to fetch you miss," Jane said with a timid voice.

Jasmine smiled with some hesitation and nodded. "Thank you, Jane. I shall be right down."

Jane shuffled away, her skirts making soft sounds as they brushed against her legs. With a small sigh as she watched, Jasmine walked out of her room and pulled the heavy door closed.

Even from upstairs, she could hear her father's deep, booming voice. It echoed off the rafters and rang in Jasmine's ears as she descended down the grand staircase. Her feet faltered on the last step as she caught the sound of another voice.

A particular voice that caused chills to run up and down Jasmine's spine.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and stepped down onto the exquisite marble floor. Her bare feet padded softly, carrying her to the entrance of the lounge where her fears were confirmed.

Next to her father, a tall, well built man stood. He was only three years older than her, yet he already commanded such authority that Jasmine often found herself choking on the air around him. He was the son of the wealthy Lord Chamber that lived at the manor on the land next to them.

"Nathan, I didn't realize you would be visiting us today."

Nathan and her father turned to face the smaller girl as she stood confidently before them.

He smiled and stepped forward to take her hand. As he laid a gentle kiss on her knuckle, Jasmine fought the strong urge to pull away and run as fast as she could into the forest. She simply smiled then put her hand at her side when he had finally pulled away.

"Everytime I see you, you grow more and more into a woman. The little girl I grew up with is hardly visible any more," he chuckled a bit at the end, as did her father.

Jasmine gave a small smile, keeping back a grimace, and nodded. "Thank you."

"Jasmine, come here," her father ordered.

"I really must go to mother, she wou-"

"I'm the Master of this house am I not? Or is your mother now the ruler of me?"

Sensing the irritation in his voice, Jasmine submitted and walked over to her father. He gave Nathan a quick grin then grabbed her by the arm harshly and dragged her over to the large fireplace.

"Where are your shoes?"

Jasmine bit the inside of her cheek and kept from crying out as he shook her. "In my closet."

"Is there a problem with them?"

His face had slowly turned to one of anger as he looked down at Jasmine with golden eyes that burned in the orange light of the crackling fire.

Jasmine spoke slowly, with a clam voice. "They hurt my feet, father," it came out as more of a whisper.

Her father scoffed. "They are the correct sizing are they not?"

"It's not the sizing father, but the shoes themself. They squish my feet to-"

Her father cut her off again with another shake. "Go put them on," he whispered harshly, then let go of her.

She stumbled backwards slightly, but caught herself. "Yes, father," she said as she pushed past Nathan and ascended the stairs.

Nathan watched with piercing blue eyes as she disappeared up the stairs into the dark halls of the manor. The drink in his hand suddenly was not enough to quench his thirst.

Jasmine's father noticed his look and put his drink down. "Nathan, you grew up with my daughter, often you called her sister. Where does your heart lie now?"

Nathan looked at the older man and finished his drink in one gulp. Putting his empty glass down, he walked toward the door.

"Somewhere dangerous," he answered as he exited the manor.

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