5 Years Ago

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  Does he not like me?

    "Can you pass me the pepper, love?"

He doesn't reply. Instead he just stared down at the untouched food on his plate. His hair has gotten longer; forming a curly afro. My mom tried her best to keep it down, but it's hard for her to style it; she said it's because his hair is different from ours. His green eyes dull and his face passive. Five years changed his appearance greatly. Instead of the rounded face and big doe eyes, his check bones are more prominent and his eyes more narrow. His jawline sharp, and his lips more filled out. I can only image what his voice sounds like. One can say that his description doesn't match that of an average 13 year-old.   

Dad threw mom a look. One she caught, but just ended up throwing back an one shouldered shrug. I reached over the table, knocking over the small vase filled with fake tulips in the process, and grab the pepper. I sit back down and offer him the pepper.

" Uhh, here." I mumbled. Dad gave me a smile and took it. We finished eating in silence.



   " Do....do you like me?" I lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling, tired of trying to find patterns in it formed by the abnormally dried paint. Moonlight streamed through our window, beaming over my bed that was placed right next to the blue-curtained window, ending it's ray of light on my brother's chest, slightly illuminating his face. He, too, faces the ceiling, but I think he was just staring blankly at it like he does mom, dad, and me. I could see dust slowly float around in the moonlight, always enjoying their nightly dances. I turned onto my side and watch him continue to stare upwards from my spot across the small room. "Do you?" I question. " I hope so. Not many people like me,

"Well, everyone. Everyone except Mr.Hunkele. My gym teacher. But he's too old to be my best friend, so that's why he's just my friend," I took in a shuddering breath, " I think it's because I'm not... normal...." I look towards him for confirmation, but, again, get a blank face in return. "Why nobody like me, I mean," I clarify, "And I-i can't stan-stand thinking about you h-hating me, t-" a strangled whimper comes out of my mouth.

  I quickly pop my thumb in my to chew my nail, a habit I can't seem to grow out of, and turn my head to bury it into my pillow. "Please don't hate me! I like you and want to be your frie-"

  "Shut up," I abruptly turned back into my side only to come face-to-face with dark green eyes.

  " Gaaahh!!!" I jumped up, clearly startled and hurriedly retreated to the edge of my twin side bed, trying to get far away as possible. " I thought you were mute!!" I shouted and pointed, overly flustered.

  He just shook his head slowly, his stare never wavering. I nod back slowly, still trying to process what's happening. Him being this close made me realize how tired he actually looked,even if it was only around 9 p.m. I blushed heavily.

  " I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to disturb your sleep! Go to bed now!!" I shout quite loudly.  Then I paled in realization, " I mean, if you want to! You don't have to listen to me because you're older! I think! So I guess you have to tell me to go to be-" a hand covers my mouth before I can finish. By now, my eyes are as wide as the Amazon River.

  " Please. Stop talking." I don't think he's blinked the entire time he was watching me. I nod my head again. He sighs, and lets go of my mouth. That sorta sounds weird. Silence once again fills the space. It's not completely comfortable, but it's not awkward either.

" Did you come over here to tell me you hate me?" I ask dejectedly. He shakes his head 'no'. "Then, why did you start talking to me?" I question. We both sit there, staring at each other. Closer than we have ever been before. Blue eyes clashing with green ones. I waited for him to answer, but little did I know that it would be a long while before he spoke to me again. Let alone be this close to me again.

But, man did it feel good to hear the sound of his voice.

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