Big Bro: lmao -I'm not laughing in person- I'm coming down for break nd I expect his address

Me: watever text you later butt head :}

I put my phone in my pocket and looked up at Kate innocently as she began to talk.

"I heard something about you and... You and Ajax I'm not sure if it's true though. Never mind silly of me to believe anything stupid like that!" She blushed and dropped the topic I was more than happy but I know I should tell her...

But now wasn't the right time... Was it? She would be all for it. I was dragged out if thought by Kate's voice "Okay so since your single again you can so be my wing man again." I rolled my eyes groaning.

"So you know Greg?" I nodded he was Ajax's only friend here besides the ones I seen pick him up sometimes.

Greg wasn't too much like Ajax he just had a bad rep because of the saying 'the birds of the feather flock together' and everyone assumed since he some how befriended a guy like Ajax that he had to be just like him. I turned a deaf ear to the rumors though, well at least I tried.

He always had a smile on his face when I seen him.

"Ya I know him..." I said confused on what she was getting at.

"Welllll.... He Invited me-us out with him to watch him race."

I shook my head fast "No," I looked at her wide eyed. "Hell no." Just because I didn't necessarily keep a open ear out for the rumors that still didn't mean I couldn't hear them and was oblivious to that fact that he was a badass...

"Please Cass!" She whined and begged I shook my head. "No Kate, I don't think we should go to that place." She whined "Cass you know I would do it for you!" I closed my eyes groaning "Please-" Kate was cut off

"Please what?" I turned to the idiot and poked at his chest hard "You. Do. Not. Fight. My. Battles!" I poked him in his hard chest Clark looked a bit guilty but soon covered it up.

"Come one Cass that freak was talking mad shit. You're like my little sister, I couldn't just stand around and let him talk shit about you like that." I groaned nodding "I understand" I had to because if a bitch was talking bad about Clark or Kate I would have jumped bad too...

"But don't do it again. Please?" He nodded smiling as he scooped me in his arms "What's your punishment?" Kate asked as he let me go I nodded "Yeah what is it?" I asked as I went to my locker.

"Weeks detention and clean up." I nodded as he shrugged his backpack on his shoulder "I've got to go speak to coach early about the fight thing thought."

Kay and I nodded "Catch you ladies later." Clark was running track this session he was pretty good. Kate and I chuckled lightly at his grim face. "Okay," we chirped as he both glared at us as we both held back our laughs.

Clark walked away and the bell rang for the first class to start "Kate..." I said lowly she looked at me from her little hand mirror.

"Yeah?" She gave me her full attention now. "I-i... M-me a-and... A-Ajax a-and I-I-" I was cut off by a strong arm wrapping around my waist and smashing me to his chest I couldn't help the sigh that left my parted lips as I got a smell of his nice ocean breeze scent.

He pressed his chest against my back this felt way better than Tonys hugs.

My eyes went wide but I stopped freaking out when his nice minty breath was on my neck and breathing on my ear "Hey babe," he whispered huskily then pressed his soft, warm, comforting lips against my neck skin. I melted into him right there.

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