A little blessing

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Your POV
"JASPER CAN YOU HELP ME MOVE THIS!!" I called from the foyer as I tried to move a rusted oven away from the wall so I could check the gas pipe. "Yeah one second!" Jasper shouted back while making her way over to me giving me a quick kiss before picking up the stove. "Careful!!! There is a gas line attached to that!" I yelped as she dropped giving me just enough space to squeeze behind it. "Right let's do this!" I cheered earning a sideways glance and a chuckle from Jasper. "You do that I'm way to big to fit." She laughed sending me a sly smile when my cheeks began to burn. "Perv." She chuckled before walking away so she could deal with removing the broken glass that was scattered around the house. "I'm not a perv you're just big..." I mumbled as I slid into the gap taking careful measures to make sure that it was safe as I went about checking the pipe and the line making sure there were no frays or cracks.

Jasper's POV

"You know I'm surprised we found this place even more so that the owner just gave it to us don't you think it's weird Jasp?"(y/n) asked while continuing to inspect the outlet. "Jasper?" She called as I made my way up the staircase taking it three steps at a time. "I'm upstairs!" I called down to the tinkering human not giving her time to respond before I walked over to one of the rooms throwing open the door breaking it fully off of the hinges. "What was that?!?!" (Y/n)s voice sounded from below me causing me to freeze. "N-nothing!!" I call back down to her as I quickly reset the door. "Liessssss! You broke something didn't you!" (Y/n) laughed her voice sounding closer then before. "Shhhhiiiiiittttttt." I muttered as I darted over to a nearby door and hid inside. "Jasper?" (Y/n) called out her footsteps telling me she is getting closer to the door.

Your POV

"Jasper I know your up here now come out." I sighed as I walked up to one of the doors. "Seriously Jasper come out!" I snapped throwing open the door coming face to face with the grinning orange gem before being pulled into the closet along with her. "Hey..." Jasper whispered next to my ear making me realize all to well of how close we were. "H-hey." I stuttered as a light blush crossed my cheeks. "So you come here often" Jasper chuckled. "You pick up all your women this way?" I shot back giving her a playful glare. "I didn't realize I was supposed to pick you up let's fix that ok." Jasper purred as she lifted me off of the ground forcing me to wrap my legs around her waist. "There isn't that much better?" She chuckled before closing the dwindling distance between our lips. "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" I giggled as I leaned in for another kiss. "Mmmmmm extremely happy." Jasper huffed as her hands skirted over my body causing me to freeze. "Jasp .... Jasper stop I-I can't." I whimpered wanting nothing more then for her to take me right then and there but not forgiving myself enough to go threw with it. "(Y/n)?" Jasper whispered softly as she wiped away a stray tear. "I'm sorry... but I can't right now. Please put me down..." I mumbled not meeting Jasper's golden gaze. "It's ok you know I've forgiven you." Jasper stated as she set me back down. "I know but I can't forgive myself for it ... you gave away your freedom to save my life then I turn around and sleep with the person that supposedly abused you. I just can't see how you could forgive me for that, I can't even forgive myself!" I sobbed as I clung tightly to Jasper's waist. "I forgave you because I love you (y/n), please don't ever forget that." Jasper purred as she sunk to the ground pulling me along with her so that she could properly hold me. "I won't and I love you too." I mumbled into her chest as she held me close until a familiar sick feeling resurfaced. "Jasper let me go." I gasped as I struggled in an attempt to get free. "No not until you are ok again." Jasper responded holding me closer. "LET ME GO NOW!" I ordered as I pushed my hand up and into her gem successfully freeing myself from her grip as I threw open the doors and rushed to a broken window. "What the hell (y/n)! You could've cracked my gem" Jasper snapped as she stormed over to me freezing when she noticed I was vomiting. "(Y/n) what's wrong why are you getting rid of your food? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" She asked as she grabbed my hand just as the last bit of bile cleared my lips. "N-no need ..." I huffed as I caught my breath. "There is a need humans don't normally vomit unless something is wrong." She snapped back before attempting to pick me up. "I'm not sick and this is normal. "How is it normal?!?" She yelled the worry clear in her voice. "It's normal because well ..."I sigh. "Jasper ... I'm pregnant." I confess flinching when she goes stone still. "J-Jasper?" I whisper reaching out to touch her hand. "How long." She whispered not looking at me. "What?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "How long have you known." She restated before glaring at me causing me to shift slightly. "You know when the crystal gems attacked and Steven healed me. Well Pearl took me to the hospital not long after that to make sure I was actually alright... they told me then." I confessed hanging my head. "So its mine?" Jasper asked with a small smile. I nodded quickly not trusting my voice at the moment . Jasper sighed before pulling me into a hug. "We are going to have a tiny human." She whispered before kissing me. "Yeah yeah we are." I mumbled into the kiss gratefully. "Well lets get back to work then this place has to be ready when you lay the geode!" Jasper purred causing me to freeze then roll my eyes as we began our work again. 'I'll explain it to her later' I thought with a small chuckle.

-meanwhile in the middle of nowhere-

Pearls POV

"They couldn't have gotten that far... I will find you."

~I hope y'all liked it ~

Jasper x Human reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now