Empire city bound

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Hello my Todd, vixens and everyone in between I'm glad to say.... I'm here I'm queer and I am ready to continue my stories though I do have to apologize for not updating but without a further here the story!!!!

Jaspers POV

"hey (y/n) wake up we've got to move!" I growled as I shook the (Y/H) (H/C) growing agitated when she didn't respond. "(Y/N)!" I yelled quickly losing my patience with the human. "mmnnn let me sleep." (Y/N) mumbled before rolling over. "I said up!" I snarled before picking (Y/N) u and throwing her over my shoulder effectively waking her up in the process. "WHAT THE HELL JASPER" she screeched as she struggled to free herself. "put me down!" she demanded while pounding on my back. "I told you we have to go, you didn't move so suck it up and stop struggling." I huffed. "no! now put me down!" she screamed, flailing more wildly. "YOU KNOW WHAT FINE!!!" I snapped as I threw her to the ground with a thud. "walk then! I'm done here!" I huffed as I stormed off down the road leaving (Y/N) to stare in disbelief.

Your POV

"J-Jasper slowdown please!" I begged as I trotted behind the massive gem as she started jogging to add to the distance. "JASPER!!" I groaned as I attempted to catch up. "Jasper please!" I called after her as my eyes started to sting with frustration when the large gem didn't slow down clearly ignoring my pleading. "Jasper!" I sniffed not wanting the sting in my eyes to become tears.

Jasper's POV
hearing (y/n) sniff I slowed down and allowed the human to catch up with me. "Stop crying" I sighed as I placed a hand on top of her head softly. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you mad" she mumbled lowering her head turning her beautiful (e/c) eyes to look up at me causing me to swallow hard. 'Why does she make it so hard to to stay mad at her' I thought before movement caught my eye. "What's this..." I hum thoughtfully as I picked a pamphlet up off the ground rolling my eyes as a small hand pulls my arm down. "I wanna see!" (Y/N) whines as she stands in her toes to get a better view. "Empire City huh, that's a pretty good distance from here but we can make it if we are able to hitch hike a portion of the way." She says more to herself then to me. "Should we try and head up that way then?" I ask making her jump slightly. "But of course if there if one place that pearl wouldn't be able to find us it would  empire city. Plus I've always wanted to go there." She said cheekily before skipping ahead of me causing me to sigh. 'I guess we are empire city bound.' I thought with a chuckle as (y/n) stuck out her thumb. "What are you doing?" I asked "trying to stop a car." She chuckled as a truck stopped proving her point. " where to?" The scraggly old trucker asked. "Empire city please!" (Y/n) stayed as she climbed into the cab of the truck motioning for jasper to fallow. "Well you're in luck little lady I'm actually heading to a town close to there." The man wheezed before looking at me curiously. "So what are yalls names?" He asked. "I'm (y/n) and this is jasper." (Y/n) said motioning to me. "Hey." I huffed before turning to look out at the passing trees.

~Time skip brought to you by ME hah!~

Your POV
"Thanks again for getting us this far mr...."I cut for realizing I hadn't asked for his name. "Just call me rusty." The old man laughed. "Well thank you rusty we couldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for you." I smiled and waved as he pulled away. "Ready for a walk Jasp?" I asked before walking in the direction of the city Glancing back at the large gem. "Yeah let's go." She huffed as she caught up to me. "Here we come EMPIRE CITY!!!"

Well again I'm sorry that it took so long to write this but I'm back and ready to write!!! So I'll see y'all next chapter TATA~~

Jasper x Human reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now