A quick get away

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Pearls POV

"That little Brat ..." I Snarled as I started after (y/n) only to be blocked by amethyst. "let her go p!" she demanded with a hard frown. "get out of my way amethyst I wont ask again." I warned as I got ready for a fight. "you know that's not going to happen P." she sighed before funning at me." So be it...." I growled as I launched over the smaller gem pulling my spear out in the process. "why wont you leave them be P!" amethyst yelled as she swung her whip at my leg and pulling me closer to her. "She is a monster and has to pay!" I snapped back while cutting the offending object from my leg then swinging at the smaller gem. "P she's not the monster any more even Garnet says so but if you continue doing what your doing then you're going to become the monster" amethyst wailed before Running at me. "DONT YOU DARE CALL ME A MONSTER!!!!" I yelled before shoving my spear threw amethysts stomach and cutting sideways causing her to poof. "Now Where did they run off to" I muttered as I take off in the direction (y/n) ran.

Jaspers POV

"Where do you think we should go pearl knows where I live after all" (y/n) whispered as she started walking away from town. "I guess we wander." I suggested as I fallowed her away from the city that had been our home for so long glancing back one last time as it begins to disappear in the distance. 'I swear pearl if I ever see you again I will shatter you.'

Your POV

"Jasper ... I'm sorry I know you told me to stop apologizing -" "Then stop." Jasper interrupted with an aggravated huff. "But-" " I SAID STOP!!!" Jasper snapped causing me to flinch away and drop my head. "We need to talk about it at some point you know..." I Muttered keeping my eyes glued to the ground and away from the massive gem beside me. "At some point yes, right now no. now drop the subject before you make me mad." Jasper huffed her massive shoulders dropping as she walked ahead of me. "ok well where are we going?" I asked as I jogged to catch up to her. "A new city" she muttered. "what city?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "don't know" Jasper sighed walking a little faster. "oh ok..." I sighed as I watched the ground.

Jaspers POV

'I cant believe she cheated on me ... we had so much .... we were going to have a tiny human' "RAAAAHHH WHAT THE HELL!!!" I yelled startling the (y/h) (h/c) next to me. "Jasp you ok?" she asked giving me a concerned look. 'no I'm not ok the love of my life cheated on me with a defective pearl who would be ok with that' I thought before giving her a halfhearted smile. "I'm fine Just tired" I lied as I walked over to a tree and sat down allowing my eyes to close. "can I sit next to you?" (y/n) asked causing me to look at her with narrowed eyes. "Do what you want." I huffed stiffening when her (b/t) frame pressed against my arm only relaxing when her breath slowed. "She must be so tired after that scuffle with pearl." I muttered as I gazed at her sleeping face. 'she's so beautiful..." I thought as I pushed her (h/l) (h/c) hair out of her face only to freeze as my hand brushed against something wet. 'is she crying' I gasped as I inspected the sleeping woman closer coming to the conclusion that she was in fact crying in her sleep. "sper.... Don Leave" (y/n) muttered as more tears flooded her cheeks causing me to hold her. 'I should be mad at you. I should leave while you're asleep but I cant do it' I thought as I held her closer cradling her as she wept just before sleep began to crowd my mind. "It's ok (y/n) I won't leave." I whispered as I drifted off. 'I promise I wont leave you.'

sorry for the long hold I was going threw some stuff and I got most of it sorted out. I also went back threw the other story and realized I hated the way it was written so I'm starting it over I hope y'all can enjoy this story just as much as I enjoy writing it so for now until the next chapter TATA

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