Midnight January 10th

10 1 0

Is it bad to want to die?
To not care if I die
right now, right here?
At this very moment
In which I type
out every word
every syllable.
When I just want everything to stop.

I wish for the touch
of the beautiful gleaming blade.
I've changed.
I thought I changed.
I thought I was stronger.
In the very least,
it remains but
just a wish.
Still a wish.

I'm slipping,
I feel myself slipping.
I'm pressed for time
but I do nothing.
But useless things
which neither helps me
or guides me.
As time slips past,
the slimmer my chances of success.
the more time slips by me.
The more I do nothing.


Untainted, unconcealed words of my mind.

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