Every little detail is a drug.

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I watched her.

Wherever Ebony was, I made sure I was there. In the shadows of course. But of course, usually wherever Ebony was, a stupid boy name Frank would follow. 

I started sketching again too, god knows how long its been since I have. All my sketches were usually of her, if not they were inspired by her. I loved drawing her hair when it was curly. The dark thick swirling locks framing her beautiful face. How the contrast of her dark locks, her pale face, her eyes... I never really did get a good look at her eyes. 

The more I studied her, the more I noticed that. She wasn't to fond of eye contact. The most she would share with was her mother and sister. But at school she would keep her eyes hidden. She wouldn't make direct eye contact with her teacher or any of the other students. It was like she was trying to keep them a secret. As if only privladged people were blessed to be graced with her eyes. Or at least thats how I saw it. I wanted to be one of those people, the people she trusted to let them see her beautiful orbs. I would make it a point to see her eyes.  

It was nice watching her, she was different. I don't know what exactly fascinated me about her. 

I wish I knew what allured me to her. 

She's just a human Gerard.

A voice said in my head. I felt like I was slapped in the face.

The voice was right. Human girls where just things for food. 

Blood bags, games, things to toy with.

But Ebony was different. 

I wasn't sure how, or why, I was attracted to her, and what made her different. But it was something. 

And I was determined to find out. 

One day I was following her from school, and I was happy to because Frank wasnt there to swarm around her and hog her up, and absorb her attention.

She was a nervous and jumpy and I found it almost cute. She would wince and jump when the wind would make noises, or when I stepped on a twig. Her breathing was slightly hitched and her eyes would occasionally dart around, not long enough for me to look though. For some reason it made me excited. Her small human weak heart pumping. She stopped walking and looked aruond.I froze with her, she looked a little frustrated, and scared. She kept looking around and I just wanted to reach out and hold her. It was when her eyes froze on the spot I was hiding behind. But how? It would be impossible for her to see me, there was no way. Could she sense I was here? She swallowed hard, and her eyes darted around again, her eyes looked a little wet. And my heart lurched.

Was I upsetting her? I couldn't help but feel a little sick, and bad that I was causing this frustration and fear. The fact that she was close to tears, that she assumed something like me was out to harm her actually made me feel bad? I was mad at myself I didn't understand, why did I feel bad? Its her fault for being so weak! But I still felt sick at myself, I wasn't doing anything wrong though, I was just following her and recording everything she did. 

GAH! I was confused! All these feeling, emotions, and thoughts! I didn't like it! This wasn't Gerard, the murderer. The Vampire. The serial killer. The demon of the night! This was Gerard the great demonic vampire acting like a hormonal teenager! I couldn't help but punch a nearby rock with anger as I made a hairline crack in it. It seemed to help, I sat down on it and began to watch her some more. She was borderline hyperventilating, and her eyes reminded me of doe eyes as they looked around scared. I wanted to hold her in my arms and I didn't know why. 

"Wh-who's out there....?" He whispered so faintly the voice could've belonged to the wind. Was she actually addressing her fear? She was much braver then I thought. But I panicked, it ment she could sense me. Could I take this as my opportunity to show myself? Or should I wait another day?

"....Anyone?" She looked so frightened and her voice was barely a squeak. A small whimper was at the back of her throat. I took a step closer causing a stick to break, such an idiot for loosing tack of my surrounding. She made a noise similar to a cry and a whimper and ran off. 

I just staid there. I was truly confused. I had no control over my self, not in a way where I was wild but as in my thought and emotions, they where disorganized.  So I just stood there. To think.


A/N: So, this is as really really really short filler. I'm really realy sorry ): No ideas have been coming to me, and this has been sitting in my drafts for a long time. But I'm pretty sure that the next chapter will be in Gerard's point of view so don't worry guys I will work on it as soon as I can.

Thank you so much to the people that have been sticking with this story and are being paitent.

I love you!



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2012 ⏰

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