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He was short and had long black hair swept in the front and spiked in the back. He was wearing a black  Blink-182 shirt and dark skinny jeans.He had a lip and nose piercing as well as ear piercings. He had a cute round face.He had slightly thin lips but they were still plush. (A/N: I had felt the need to describe his lips for later reference, his lips are actually quit hard to describe) I quickly checked my reflection in the window to make sure I looked presentable. Everyone grunted disappointed, and Frank looked down embarrassed. Since no on liked me I was the only one who had an empty seat next to them, I thanked god. 

"Frank why don't you take a seat next to Ebony, Ebony can you raise your hand?" The teacher said. I shyly raised my hand and Frank sat down next to me. Oh my god... I thought. 

"Great, just what we need another goth at our school..." One of the kids in front of us muttered. The teacher went on with his lesson. I gave him a small smile. 

"Hi." I whispered. He smiled and lit up. 

"Hey." He said. 

"Sorry the kids here are so rude." I said back. He shook his head.

"You don't seem mean..." He said. 

"Well I'm nothing like them." I whispered. 

"Glad to hear that." He said. And I continued paying attention to the teacher. Frank and I had all our classes together except our last one. He seemed really great full. it was lunch time and we walked through the cafeteria so I could get a sandwich with Frank. 

"So who do you sit with?" He asked searching through the cafeteria. 

"Ugh, no one really..." I said. 

"Oh, ugh. Well wear do you sit?" He asked. 

"Sometimes outside. Do you, uh, want to sit with me?" I asked awkwardly. He nodded his head. 

"Yeah." He said with a smile. Frank and I sat with our sandwiches in the part where the forest connects with the sports field that had a track circling around it. 

"No meat?" I asked, noticing his lunch had no meat whatsoever. 

"I'm a vegetarian." He said proudly. 

"Thats cool, I wish I could do that..." I said. 

"I could help you if you ever want to." Frank said. I smiled. Its sad to say, but I've never really spoken to a boy before. 

"That'd be cool." I said. The bell rang me and Frank threw away our trash. And came back. 

"Thanks Frank." I said. I walked him to his next class. 

"Ugh, so your class is down the next hallway over?" He asked. I nodded. 

"Okay, well I wait for you if you want..." He said. 

"That would be nice. See ya' around." I said and walked off. In creative writing class the teacher had us do a poem. I wrote it in our journals she made us keep, the bell rang. I walked outside and he was waiting by the lockers looking down, when he looked up his eyes met mine. He smirked.And I blushed. 

"May I walk you to your locker?" He asked. I nodded. 

"Hey my lockers right next to yours!" He said excited we both opened our lockers. His was bare. He was stuffing his black back pack with books as I stuffed my grey one.

"Is that you, from when you were little?" He asked noticing all the polaroids of my little sister in her many outfits.

"Haha, no. I'm not that conceded." I laughed joking. 

"It's my little sister, the sweetest little girl you'll ever meet." I said.

"Well, she is adorable." He said smirking.

"You have a pet bunny?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yup, his names Waldo." I said. We closed our lockers.

"Your little sister wear interesting outfits..." He said as we walked out of the school.

"Yeah, she says she likes to dress like me, but she'll combine it with some other character. She has quite the imagination." I said.

"So what brings you here?" I asked.

"I moved here, just today actually..." he said.

"Wait do you live in the big light purple house?" I asked. I've noticed all the moving trucks there.

"Yeah, you've seen it?" He asked.

"Thats on the same street I live." I smiled.

"Thats weird, first seats, the classes, then the lockers and now were neighbors!" He said chuckling.

"So, I guess I'll be walking you home a lot." He said and winked. I didn't realize thats what he's been doing as we speak. I was about to respond, but I got the same feeling. That feeling of a pair of eyes on me.

"Whats wrong Ebony?" He asked.

"I-its nothing. Do you ever get that feeling like your being watched?" I asked.

"No, I should probably stay by you more, I hear theres been a killer in New Jersey lately." He said. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I'm really used to walking alone but lately-" I said trying to find the right words.

"I understand, don't worry." Frank said.  I noticed my house was near by.

"This is me." I said pointing to my grey house. 

"Hey, c-could I have your um number?" He asked. I nodded and wrote it on a sticky note and gave it to him. 

"See you around." I said and walked inside. My sister was at the table coloring and my Mom was washing dishes in the sink. 

"I don't feel comfortable letting you walk alone to and from school, I think I should just ask my boss to let me come in late so I could drive you-" My mom started in her paranoid voice. 

"Its okay mom! A friend walked me home today." I said. 

"A friend? You told me you didn't have any." She said. 

"He's new, he lives down the street he just moved in. You know the purple house." I said. 

"He?" She asked arching an eyebrow. 

"Frank..." I said blushing. God, no mom not the boy talk. 

"Oh I see...a 'Friend." She said putting air quotes around friends. Ugh, great. I just rolled my eyes and walked upstairs. I was doing my homework. I looked out my window out and saw the forest. I shuddered at the eerie feeling. And closed the curtains.


A/N: Sorry short chapter and nothing much to write about. Im bored and Im drawing a black at Ideas 

So VOTE and please please please please COMMENT. Have a lovely day;) 


XO, Andy

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