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***Gerard's POV***

I waited near the way the girl left from school. And then I saw her walking, she looked alarmed as usual. I made sure to hide well. She was sporting rather odd clothes, a superhero shirt, and colored pants. I compared it to what I was wearing. I black dress shirt, that was untucked and black denim pants with "converse". I watched her go in the building. As soon as the bell had rung all the pupils had rushed inside. I walked around the big building keeping within the surrounding foresee. I found a spot where you could see a big field with a track surrounding it. I waited and the bell rang again. A few minuets later and she walked out and if I was alive my heart might of stopped. Why? I don't know. But she was being followed by a boy.

This boy was rather odd as well, standing out among the rest. The way he walked, you could tell he was a bit lost. I made sure to hide in one of the tree's. She spoke.

"No meat?" She asked. Looking at his lunch, wich I could tell had no meat in it.

"I'm a vegetarian." he said sounding rather proud. They must have just met, they're talking as though they had only met today.

"That's cool, I wish I could do that." She said. Why on earth though? I thought.

"Well I could always help you, if you want." He said. A wave of a mean emotion went through me. 

"That'd be cool." She said. When the loud bell had rung signaling for all the students to get to there class, the boy had threw away both of their trash. She smiled. This strange feeling was much more strong this time.

"Thank you Frank." She said and they walked away together. Why did this boy seem so special to her? There wasn't anything special about him. Even his named showed how mediocre he was. Frank. My name seemed more exotic, Gerard. Ha, look at me comparing myself to a human. As if there was anything to compare with. I wondered if her name was something unique. 

I walked more through the forest surrounding the school. I was able to see a window that showed all the pupils passing through the halls. She was walking "Frank" to his class. Wait. Then it clicked, I felt so stupid for not realizing it earlier. He must have been a new student. This is why he was hogging up all her attention. That's why I didn't have the chance to learn her name. I felt angry at this. So what is he's new? I bet if I was a new student she would give me special attention. Then thats when I had a clever idea. This would help me pass the time as well on these slow long years that have seemed to be getting longer. But, could I? I had debated on this for a while until the bell rang. She walked outside with that Frank. The weird feeling rippled through me causing me to grind my teeth and clutch my fist. Was this anger? No. I followed them through the woods and saw them talking, her looking quit interested. And there was a moment when he was explaining something and they both lit up with excitement. What was it? I wanted to know. I felt so... left out? I don't know, but I didn't like it. She looked around and I ducked in the bushes. I tried listening in on what they were saying. 

"I-its nothing. Do you ever get the feeling like your being watched?" She asked. I froze, in fear? Was I, The Immortal Great scared? He nodded his head no.

"No, I should probably stay by you more, I hear theres been a killer in New Jersey lately." He said. I froze once more, out of shock. Yes, there was a killer and its me. They ended up parting ways. And I followed her and was delighted to finally see where this girl lives. I saw what I suppose is her room as she was walking in there. She looked out her window and examined the forest. Could she see me? She looked right in my direction, my dead heart might have been been brought to life. She shuddered though... and closed the curtains on me. And I felt sadden of this. 

There is a killer in New Jersey, and its me.


A/N: ENJOY! I didn't really like how this ended. I hope you enjoy and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!! it means so much, and spread the word of my stories, it would mean a lot. And I did not edit.... :DDDD 

Thanks so much, Andy;)

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