
Mr. Jeon adjusted his black necktie again as he stepped into the all too familiar class. One that had Kim Taehyung in it. The teacher had already done some background information on the student and looked into his personal reports that the school has of every student. He was not surprised to see that the teachers didn't all adore his attitude and he was suspended a couple times for refusing to tie up his buttons. As he is an orphan, no one was there to control him. He had a lot of money that was passed on from his parents and so he has plenty of money to live his whole life without even working. But Mr. Jeon was surprised that he almost aced all his classes, despite not paying attention to any of them! Wow!

The student's chatters quieted down almost instantly and a wave of whispers started to erupt in the room. The teacher felt his eyes scanning the room, searching for a specific head and so him looking down at his phone and his hands were flying around the keyboard of the little screen. Jungkook cleared his throat a couple times and caught Taehyung's attention before he started the lesson. The camera followed the teacher's actions very closely, with multiple camera angles and shots.

"Most of you probably remember me, I'm Mr. Jeon, substitute for Ms. Helen. You all can continue working on your research project and I will come around and see how much you have completed so far. If I see that you aren't working or on task, it will result in helping me clean the basement for an hour," Mr. Jeon stated and Taehyung immediately smirked. Mr. Jeon. Alone. Basement. Fantastic. The camera was shooting Taehyung's face closely as his emotions were visible through his facial expressions. Taehyung will be doing a voice over where he has to speak these lines and the crew will add it to the movie.

So he got on his computer and plugged in one of his earphones before opening a new tab. He needed to get the teacher's phone number pronto. So, he typed in "Jeon" into the search engine only to reveal a bunch of results, none of them telling him what he was searching for; his first name. From there, tracking his phone number will be a piece of cake. He typed in, "Mr. Jeon" and still nothing. And so he typed in "Substitute Jeon" into the search engine. A bunch of random websites popped up and still, he found nothing. And so he decided to go to the school website.

Taehyung had been to the school website multiple times, mostly to stalk teachers and their social media sites but rarely for anything academic related. He went to the school's latest tweets and saw that their school's twitter account was quite active. It documented everything that was going on apparently. And one of the tweets had @mr.jeon tagged to it. Bingo.

He immediately opened up @mr.jeon and it led him to his professional twitter account which was filled with academic stuff. Boring. Taehyung then continued to surf through and found an older tweet and he had tagged this person called @kimyugyeom. He immediately clicked that and boom, it was a personal twitter account. He quickly scanned through his tweets and saw one that was from around a week ago that had a selfie of him and a bunch of other good-looking guys with amazing hair colors and it also had Mr. Jeon. A smile instantly made its way onto Taehyung's face. Even though he couldn't see his whole face, he saw enough to prove that it was definitely the teacher.

The guy, who is probably Yugyeom had also tagged a bunch of people and one of them was @jeonjungkook which Taehyung assumed to be his teacher. Jungkook. He quickly looked up at the teacher who was sitting at his desk with a weird smile playing on his lips. Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed at why but he didn't rub on it too much as he was too excited for what he had found.

He immediately clicked on @jeonjungkook's link and it directed it to Mr. Jeon or should we say, Jungkook's twitter page which was, unsurprisingly quite popular. He had around half a million followers. Taehyung looked at his profile pic and gulped. It was a side profile picture that did great justice to the teacher's jawline. And OhMyGod did he look like daddy material.

He scanned through a couple of the tweets that were mostly selfies of himself alone or with a bunch of people and Taehyung couldn't help but feel jealous if the friend's hand was touching too much of Jungkook. It angered him. As he liked Instagram more, Taehyung searched if he had an Instagram account and of course he did. It was @jeonjungkook. Of course. He quickly logged on to Instagram on his MacBook and immediately started stalking Jungkook. The teacher uploaded amazing pictures and selfies and it was great to see him in something other than a suit or a tie. He then looked at the comments and hearts and oh man holy shit! 2M likes?!

Only then did Taehyung realize that Jungkook had 2.5M followers. Holy cow. How did Taehyung not know? There was also a video on one of his pictures and he quickly watched it. It was his teacher, Mr. Jeon, singing and rapping on a stage in a bar.

Taehyung's eyes widened comically and the cameras zoomed in on the computer screen and on to Taehyung's face. Taehyung never knew the teacher could sing, nor dance or rap?! What the fuck. And he was good. Like really very good. Jungkook was only wearing a thin white shirt that seemed like it could rip of any second and-Oh FUck. Jungkook just ripped his shirt.

He exposed his abs and his muscular chest.

Taehyung's eyes were blessed.

Taehyung then continued watching the video that ended in another couple seconds after he did some hip thrusts into the air. He then stared at Mr. Jeon who was busy correcting something. And then he looked back to his screen that was replaying his teacher singing like an actual god.


He never knew teachers could be THAT cool or hot or handsome or daddy. But of course, no one can beat Kim Taehyung, the most dominant daddy out there. Certainly not Jungkook. Nonono.

Just then Jungkook started to walk around the room, asking what the students were doing and apparently everyone else was doing something and actually doing work. And Taehyung was the last person and he still had a blank page. He should be writing a paper but he said to himself that he would complete it at home. He is more focused on his studies at home than at school.

"Taehyung, what have you been doing?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung smirked.

"I've been breathing," Taehyung said calmly and Jungkook shook his head from side to side.

"That's detention for you, meet me in the basement for an hour of cleaning," Mr. Jeon said and Taehyung nodded whilst smirking.

Very Nice.




Important message guys, please read. If you didn't know, I'm in eighth grade right now, as in, I'm only 13. I know, that's really young. So, right now, I'm in middle school and my academic year is coming to an end in around 6 months. So I want to stop using Wattpad completely in around 3-4 months and until then, I will continue writing my books and I will hopefully finish all of them. If not, then I will discontinue my stories but, hopefully, that won't happen. I would stop reading and writing fanfictions as it has already got out of hand and I really need to use the free time I get to study and I can't afford to waste it. This is just a little warning and so my updates might, I repeat, might become a little faster as I'm hurrying to finish my books. I'm updating this book again this week though since I already wrote it. My other books will also go under the same rules. I'm not gonna stop writing now, just a warning. Also sorry for the long author message, sorry if I bored you :( 

Thanks for reading guys! Also special thanks to those who voted and commented on my book! I read all of your comments so don't think I ignored you if I don't reply to them. I try to reply to most of them tho... 

~taeggukkxx ❤

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