While from what he understood, he wasn't the youngest member in the band, Jimin was certainly the newest addition to it. Everyone else already knew each other for a couple of years now. There already was a group. And Jimin wasn't part of it. It was this fact that made him feel uneasy the most.

Jimin was ready to accept that he would be away from home pretty much all the time from now on, that he will miss his family and friends, that a probably very busy schedule lay ahead of him (what with him being a trainee and all), but he dreaded the thought of not fitting in with the rest of the group. Truth be told, what Jimin wanted more than anything right now was to be able to fast-forward time and for all the awkward, get-to-know-you stages to be over. He wanted to be friends with the other boys. To know them, and for them to know him. He wanted to belong.

Alas, time travelling is yet to be invented, so you'll just have to make-do with what you can.

Once Jimin got to the dorm, he was left to unpack his stuff and informed that the other members should be back from dance practice shortly. Great.

It didn't take long for Jimin to take in his new home. The place was rather small and jam-packed with clothes and shoes strewn about. The apartment also housed a single larger room with seven beds in it. You could tell that six of those beds had belonged to six individuals for a while now. One or two of them were neatly made; some were a complete mess, with their sheets all wrinkled and pillows at both ends of the bed. Books, comics, mangas and sheets of paper (at times crumpled) took up most of the floor area. One bed stood out of the bunch, at the far end of the room. It was unmade, a duvet and two pillows folded neatly and placed at the end of it. Jimin ventured a guess that that was going to be his bed. While the place seemed cosy enough despite its size, he couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. Jimin didn't expect much from their dorm, but he wasn't sure he was prepared for sharing a room with six other strangers just yet.

What better way to get to know them all in no time though?

Jimin supposed that was true, but he was still nervous.

As he was trying to figure out where he'd put his clothes and whatnot, Jimin heard the apartment door open and a chorus of loud, giggly voices followed. It made Jimin realise just how quiet, how still everything had been up until then. Yup, he was definitely on the outside looking in.

The chattering and noise seemed to disappear from the hallway and head towards the kitchen area. The clanking of dishes and glasses could be heard soon afterwards.

'God, if I don't get some food in my stomach soon, I will literally die!' a voice cried.

'Well if you'd actually help with the making of said food maybe you'd get to eat sooner, Taehyung-ah' came the reply.

'But hyuuuung, I can barely move after all that torture they put us through!'

'I'll help, Jin-hyung' someone offered.

'NO!' the others screamed suddenly. Jimin could swear he head a tinge of panic in those voices.

'I'm sorry Joonie, but last time you tried to help you ended up with a cupboard door in your hand. Stay there, I'll help with the cooking.'

Giggles and the sound of pots and pans being handled could be heard from the kitchen now and after a few more minutes Jimin could sense the smell of beef and spices filtering through the small apartment. That was when he realised that he had been eavesdropping on the others.

Come on, let's just get this over with.

Reluctantly, Jimin gave a weak knock on the kitchen door and opened it. He could feel a big lump forming in his throat and his mouth was going dry at an alarming pace. Six pairs of eyes looked up at him quizzically.

silence. [a YoonMin Fic]Where stories live. Discover now