It seems he used to post on Aree's birthday by her sister fb.Nice move. Im impressed.

BALA: why does Aziza gal has two fb account. see in Aree's friends list.there are two Aziza account.One it may be his sister and other the account which he created on his sis name and using he can have a indirect contact with Aree.He has already given a hint to Aree.I dont know  whether she noted his posts.He is not even in friend list of Aree's fb.

MARIE:He seems to be a stalker.

RAJ: OKAY leave it guyz. We will talk tomorrow morning.lets have a sleep.

BALA : you think i can sleep.till she tell us my head will explode.

RAJ:She is our friend.she will tell us.even she didnt share with us we shouldnt force her.

CHITRA: You are right. okay good night.

Next morning the gang came to college with reddish eyes and s bags under their eyes including Areesha.

AREESHA: I think yesterday all of them have googled and came to know about him very well.Because of that you lost your sleep.

They remain silent.She started to talk.As you know he is the son of Bari uncle.

My dad went to Qatar as a driver to work for a qatari family before his marriage.My dad family was struck in poverty so he have to work as a driver. His salary was 800 QR.

my dad was a personal driver to BARI HAMMAD who was a business tycoon at Qatar.He will even do house hold works like buying veggies, cleaning, gardening etc.But he is a efficient worker.

BARI HAMMAD has three wives.In arab country polygamy is normal.But there are certain conditions.All the wives cannot live tovether as it will create problems. so That they should provide their wives seperate houses.They should give all the rights and equality to wives.Eventhough the first wife has more respect rather than others.

Bari uncle first wife name is Amani.Whom i will call amani eimti(aunty).i dont know about the other wives. Amani aunty conceived after 5 years of their marriage.At that time uncle married his second wife at his third year marriage with Amani aunty.My dad used to say that Amani aunty was like his elder sister.She gave birth to Abbas. Abbas is the heir apparent of Bari uncle.Amani aunty used to say till his 5 year Abbas didnt speak.After that she gave birth to Aziza who is three years younger to Abbas and Ayman who is 5 years younger to Abbas.My dad said that the family held respect and pride.

After Ayman birth my dad came to India and married my mom.Dad took mom with him to Qatar as the family provide a shelter inside their house compound.Their house it self look like a mansion.At the entrance of the mansion we had our small house which has a hall, a bedroom with bathroom and a kitchen. it wil accommodate four persons.

My mom too learnt Arabic.She became like a friend to Amani aunty.Sometimes my mom will said that Amani aunty wished to be the only wife to Bari uncle.But it never happened .She said that she had a three miscarriage because of her depression about Bari uncle's marriage with second wife before the Birth of Abbas.

My mom said she will used to console her.My mom made Amani aunty to learn sewing to overcome her amani aunty likes my mom alot.

after 2 years of my parents marriage i was born at Qatar.when i was five year old there was a huge fire broken out at Amani aunty house. Aunty and uncle were not there. even the maids went mom said that fire was from kitchen she left me at the entrance of the mansion and asked me to stand there.Then she went inside the house to save Abbas.

she went inside the kitchen and took Abbas in her arms.she said that even at the moment he didnt cry or even had fear.he just stood there and then he hold my moms hand.My mom covered him and rescued him out.But my mom back ,her hands were burnt because of fire.

After reaching the entrance my mom fainted.At that there were no phones. There were not nearby houses too.still i remember how i cried on seeing my mom fainted on the ground at her back. how abbas holded me and asked me to stay quiet. within some minutes people came and rescued mom .
Mom back and hands were not severely burnt.but she had some burns in back and her hands.This is the reason why mom always wear full hand sleeves.

After a week mom was discharged from hospital. Till that i stayed with Amani aunty. Bari uncle presented a grocery shop to my dad as my mom saved his son.My mom and dad refused. But amani aunty told them that their son Abbas first time in his life asked his dad to do favour for him.which was presenting a grocery shop to my dad.

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