Chapter 2

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The first thing Green did not expect is quiet. The other he did not expect was for everyone to stare at him.

"Alright class, stop staring! We don't want to scare him. Hello are you Mr. Oak?" Green just nodded. The teacher in front of him just beamed.

"Well welcome! My name is Professor Pine." Was all the teacher said as he turned to the class. "Students we have a new student, please treat him with respect. I know it's a little weird because he is starting in the middle of the semester, but he is now a student." Professor Pine told them, he turned to look at Green. "Why don't you tell us about yourself?"

Oh, how Green hated those words. Green just looked at the class while a blush from embarrassment grew on his cheeks. " Um, Hello my name is Green and um I just moved here from Kalos, and um yea." Was all Green could force out. Looking at the teacher hoping it was enough and saw him nodding.

"Well alright then, you can sit there in the back, warning the student who is suppose to sit beside you is always late so don't let that bother you too much alright?" Professor responded kindly.

Green just nodded as he went to sit down where the teacher told him to, as he just sat down another person came bursting into the room.

"Sorry I'm late! Whew, the coach wanted to talk to me about-"

"Mr. Stevenson, I for once know why you are late, now go sit down!"

"Yes sir!" The boy responded as he quickly made his way to his seat.

Green froze. All he could think was Oh My God He Is So Hot. Green couldn't even, The boy's hair was black and looked like it was spiked in the front, had these beautiful, breathtaking red eyes, his lips were a light shade of pink. Green couldn't think and nearly had a heart attack when this boy sat down beside him.

"Oh, hello there, the names Red, What's your name?" The boy, no, Red asked kindly.

"Oh, ummmm Green." Was all Green could muster out.

"Ah, it suits you." Red said. "Huh?" Green said confused. "Oh haha your eyes are Green so that is why it suits you."

Green melted into a pile of goo on the inside and couldn't help the blush that grew on his cheeks and nose. During the class he couldn't help but to steal some glances, every time Red caught him Green would hide his face. As the bell rung another boy came up to Red. He had amber coloured eyes, black hair and he had one spike on his forehead.

"Hey Red! What did the coach wanted to talk to you about?"

"Oh he wanted to know if he wanted me to help him with the teams next year."

"Really awesome!"

That was Green could hear when they walked away, Green snapped out of his staring and looked down to see what his next period was. Great, it was English. As Green was making his way out the door, another person stopped him.

She had light blue eyes, and blue hair that was in pigtails which stuck out at the end. Behind her there was another male with long red hair, and silver eyes.

"Hi there! You look lost, my name is Crystal and this is Silver!" was all she said.

Silver rolled his eyes at Crystal, " Your name is Green right? What class do you have next?"

Green just responded with "English."

"Great you are with us then!" Was all Crystal exclaimed, "Let's go!"

Green just nodded and walked out the door to follow them. It was silent as they made their way to the English room. As they entered, they all took their seats. Silver just turned to Green.

A New Beginning *Originalshipping*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora