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phil huffed as he made his second round around the hospital. dan tried to grab his hand to steady him but phil pulled it away gruffly "i made it through most of this pregnancy alone i don't need help now" he said

dan looked away for a second

"sorry that was uncalled for, its just that these contractions are blocking my filter" phil said as he held on to his belly. dan smiled "phil its fine i know it hurts right now"

"ow fuck, i thought this was supposed to ease the pain"phil said as he limped, the hospital gown dragging behind him "i think im ready for that epidural right about now" he said as dan pulled him into his shoulder and changed their direction towards their room

(kinda important srry↓)
A/N: AHAHA I FEEL LIKE IM MAKING THIS SLIGHTLY TOO REALIstic CUZ IN OTHER FICS HES LIKE BIRTHING IN THEIR FUCKING LIVING ROOM OR SOMETHINF (no shade that sounded like hella shade) okay but on a more serious note i dont watch dan and phil anymore like i took that long ass break cuz i didn't watch them anymore but i felt bad for leaving this fanfic w/out ending it and cuz i genuinely like writing. as for future writing, i think i might write some phan in the future and venture into new things as well. if i do decide to continue writing im pretty sure my next fanfic is gonna be like namjin (bts)

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