Epilogue 1: Summer Surprise

Start from the beginning

"I liked Ranger Rick better--Aiono just ruins the "ranger" in it," Alex laughs.

"I'll keep that in mind for the rest of summer," I murmur.

"Oh gosh," Alex playfully rolls his eyes.



"SARAYA!" Alex blurts.

Me: ME 2

Maya: YAYY

"Youtube, when are we leaving?" I asked him, while he was giggling," What're you giggling about, Martini?"

"We'll be leaving soon..and it's nothing," he smiles.

"Ok.." I nod.

"By the way, Sar. Did you bring a bathing suit?" He asked me.

"We're going to Cali--of course, I'm going to the beach!" I tell him.

"That's not the only place.." I hear Alex murmur.

"Alex, what is it?--tell me already!!" I command him, as I tug his shirt collar.

"Calm down, honey," he tells me, as I let go of his collar. "Can I play one song?"

I nod, smiling. "What's today's song of the day?"

"Aww, I love this song so much, Ale!--too bad we're not going on a cruise," I frown. I look up at Alex," But I know summer's still gonna be fun!"

"Cruise or not, it'll be amazing..I promise," Alex stands, offering a hand to get up.

I take it and look at my driveway to see Alex's car. "Wow, Mar. You came prepared.."

He smiles and takes my luggage, following me to his car. 

I sit in the passenger seat and turn around to see Menry. 

"Ah finally, you guys are done making out," Henry giggles, sighes.

"Sis, we know you love Alex..ok?" Maya teases.

"Alex came really prepared..do you guys know any idea why he sang--" Alex gets into the driver's seat.

"You'll see soon, Sarbear. I gotta little surprise," Alex smiles at me, as he starts the car.

He starts driving outta the neighborhood..


"Ok we're at the airport, who're we waiting for?" I ask Alex, as Menry just smirk.

"..there suppose to--HALLIE!" He hugs his sister. Hallie approaches us, as the rest of the Aiono fam follows.

"Aww, we're spending the summer with the Aiono fam?" I ask Alex.

He just smiles.

I hug Hallie, Taylor, Sid. Then leading onto Mr. and Mrs. Aiono.

"But that isn't all of the surprise," Alex smirks, shooting everyone a "don't tell her" look.

Ugh, Youtube.

"Ok at least tell me where we're going?" I ask him.

"Cali--but the rest is a surprise," Alex smiles as he walks ahead with his fam, and Menry walking beside me.

"He probably has a great surprise planned for us..more you, Sara," Maya coos.

"The best," Henry adds, laughing.

"Looks of it..seems so," I sigh, as I keep walking after them.

As I follow them, it looks less and less like an airport, and more of..ship dock.

"..a boat?" I mumble. 

"Aww," Menry choruses, as we all walk towards the entrance.

"Here," Alex takes my luggage and carries it.

"Alex, I'm too clueless..what're we doing here?" I ask him.

He giggles, as he looks back at the Aionos," I know how much you wanted to go on REAL cruise, while doing RC season 5..so I decided--it's summer--you still have time to enjoy before college classes kick in," Alex shrugs, as he puts my luggage.

"Aww, we ship," Menry smiles, as they stand next to the Aionos.

"Us too," I can hear Hallie add.

I smile as I hug him. "You always know what I want.."

"Of course. There's nothing I wouldn't get my Sari," he kisses my cheek.

"You guys better get a room before everything gets packed," the dock keeper advises us, as we walk into the cruise ship.

I walk faster to catch up to Alex, I couldn't help but smile as he tried to keep his smile.

"I like it when you smile--keep smiling," Alex makes me blush.

"Well guys, your mother and I will be getting everyone rooms..go have fun!" Mr. Aiono says, as him and Mrs. Aiono stand in line for room administration.

"Well what're we doing first?" Maya asks us all.

"We could go zip lining?" Hallie suggests.

"Or look around first," Taylor giggles.

"Maybe..storytime..everyone wants to know more about Salex," Sid spills.

"Enough about ships, Sid," Taylor advises.

"I saw what I needed to see in Feb," Hallie giggles.

"But that still leaves one QUESTION," Maya looks at Alex.

"So, Sari. What are we gonna do today?" Alex asks me.

I shrug," I don't know..but I do know.." I get their undivided attention. "That we need to slow done..we have the WHOLE summer, remember?"

They giggle," Of course.."


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