Chapter 1

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"Oh THANK THE BEAUTIFUL MOON GODDESS FOR THAT! Thank you! Thankyou! Thankyou! I accept your rejection!"

His wolf was stunned, his heart was broken. What the hell just happened?

"I, Cameron Steel reject you Janella Freemoon as my mate." He had no idea what exactly he expected but she seemed... happy?!?!!!!!!

He watched to see her smiling as wide as she could, tears of happiness running down her cheeks she thanked him again and again.

He watched as she grabbed her friends arm and bounced... yes bounced... down the school corridor away from him. No, this wasn't happening. Seriously, what the hell just happened?


"Just keep walking baby, we're nearly out of here."After turning away from her mate the light died in her eyes. She walked away from him to high five her best friend and now, Laughing as loud as they could together, the two friends walked out the school doors and out of the school. Her heart was dead. She knew this would happen. She knew she would be rejected. Who in their right mind would want her, the fat pathetic cow she is, the one that was bullied for years, the one who would never be good enough for pack slave let alone the upcoming alpha. She and Sarah, her best friend since they began school together had already spoken about this day. Sarah the romantic was sure that she would truly find her mate, Janella knew better and knew she would have to implement her plan. Why would her life change just because she'd turned 16?


"Stupid cow! Who does she think she is? Look how fat she is and trying to doll it up. Way too funny!"

He looked down at the creature that was hanging all over him and in that moment he felt nothing but loathing contempt.... and his wolf cried.


Sitting with the other popular kids at lunch three days later Cam watched the door everytime it opened. Janella had been missing from school since he rejected her and he knew she was hurting, he could feel her heart breaking. His wolf stopped talking to him but he could still hear him whimpering for his mate. He wanted to see her. His wolf needed her wolf. He couldn't help but feel that something was about to happen. He felt sick in the pit of his stomach and the feeling was gaining momentum. He felt like blades were ripping his insides apart piece by piece until finally it stopped and he lost conciousness whispering her name.


"Stop now my dear, you have completed the first part of the breaking spell. If you continue you will kill not only yourself but your mate."

"I have no mate. I have to break this bond. I have to break the pull towards him. I...I.... "

A hand, not knarly as one would expect from fairy tales, rested upon her shoulder. A motherly hand that held warmth and understanding.

"You have seven days until the full moon. You have seven more parts of the spell. Once the full moon has passed you will be free. You will take your human form and never be destined by the pull of the werewolf ever again. You will be human permanently."

Janella shuddered at the thought of losing her wolf, her beloved Chrissy who had always been there, always guided her in her decisions. Now she was saying goodbye to her and to her mate forever. Tears flowed freely as she started to mourn what was to be. Arms holding her closely she wept until the tears were dry.

"I ask you again my dear is this what you really want? I can help you with a simple changing spell..."

"NO! I don't see why! I've read all the stories, I've seen girls change. Why do I need to change to be loved? Why can't I be loved for being me? Misty Why???"

Misty was a witch of the Full Moon. She knew that this girl in her arms didn't want this. She knew that the years of being bullied and laughed at had brought her to this. She knew that the girl in front of her was more grown up than any she'd seen before. She knew that once the spell was broken this girl would  feel more empty than she ever had before, but she also knew that this girl was right. For far too long appearance has been the deciding factor for many people. People who decided that those who were different were not worthy when in truth it was they themselves who who had something to prove. Misty knew this from her own experiences over the centuries of watching over the werewolf kind.

"Home now child, you need to rest. Come tomorrow in the same way and we will continue the spell." With that Janella was transported to her bed with the wave of a hand to sleep till the morning.

Janella's Rejection - Book 1 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now