iv. the man

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She married the boy when he became a man. She refused to take his last name, of course; it still revolted her.

They lived in a small cottage in the woods together, just big enough for two. They celebrated each day like a gift.

He worked in the town; she worked in the house. They had a cat with golden fur and eyes like two moons, and a child was on the way.

A child Sybill never dreamed could be a possibility.

They were just two people. Two people, a man and a woman, in love.


She had never felt so happy in her life, and she never wanted the feelings to fade.

Her Sight was gone, but she didn't mind. Now, she saw the gift as a curse—one that would shatter her paradise around her.

But her paradise shattered anyway, and the Sight was no part of it.

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