iii. the boy

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Each school year passed more and more quickly until seventh year had dawned upon Sybill. The marks on her OWLs were exceptionally low, and her professors didn't know how to help her. It was her final year, and she was drowning in her failures.

But she didn't see the school years as failures; they were successes to Sybill. She had grown so much as a Seer to the point where she had begin discovering new patterns. She claimed to be able to see auras around people's heads. Each aura was a single, solid color... each except for the boy's.

She did not know the boy except for his ridiculous last name, but his aura was a mix of colors, swirling around to make a sad gray. She had never seen a gray color around anyone, not even the saddest of students and professors.

She read about the color gray. The color appeared over those who were friends, messengers, or foes. It was impossible to tell which, but it was fated that they meet.

The boy was a mystery to her, and he would always be even when he became a man. The mystery was not only because of his aura, but also because of the way she felt around him. She felt secure... serene...

She was reaching out to him. Reaching out...

She was falling for him, and he was falling for her. With her mind now occupied by thoughts of him, she put her studies on the Sight behind her. She didn't realize it, but the colors of the auras were dimming and the patterns in the sky were fading away.

[i] reaching out | s. trelawney Where stories live. Discover now