Kaiden scowled, biting his tongue to stop his angry words, but failed.

"Do that again, and I will choke you with your own feathers." Milokan watched him stomp away, not sure if he should laugh or be concerned. He followed Kaiden anyway, knowing he will need his comfort. This subject will be emotional for everyone. Maybe he needed to be the glue to keep the family together.

When Jeronah saw his son walking over, the sudden shimmer in his eyes was unmistakable. Milokan felt sorry for him. He was desperate to talk with Kaiden.

"Right, no more stalling, no more interruptions, just tell me everything, starting from the beginning." Kaiden plopped himself down on the grass, staring at his mother. Milokan sat next to him, close enough for Kaiden to feel his presence.

"Okay." Meloras took a big breath. "So, the main thing you are probably wondering is why this all happened. Well, Lucifer, as you know Kaiden created the demons, including me. I was young, only eighteen, the same age as both of you when I was created."

"When you were created?" Milokan spoke but quickly covered his mouth. "I apologise, I will not interrupt."

"No, it's fine Milokan, it's okay for you to ask," but her awkward shifting was noticeable. "Um, yeah, Lucifer created me, so I don't have a childhood, only memories of seeing hell for the first time, but I had all the knowledge like I had lived for eighteen years, only with no memories of doing so. Generations are growing all the time as demons reproduce, now starting from babies, of course." Jeronah leant closer to her and Kaiden watched, trying not to narrow his eyes. He knew this about his mother, but he never got told about why the devil created demons in the first place. "Anyway," she continued, "I was someone particularly special to him..." she trailed off and had to take Jeronah's hand.

Kaiden has never seen his mother express affection towards anyone but himself. He wasn't jealous; it was just unusual and new for him to see her letting her guard down.

"Why were you special?" Milokan questioned and glanced at Kaiden. He wanted to edge closer, but he had to listen to the demon. Anything Meloras admits now, Kaiden was hearing for the first time.

"He created me... h-he-" she sighed, and Jeronah rubbed her back, knowing it was a painful thought.

"You can do it," he encouraged, and Kaiden's eyes softened when his mothers did. Meloras nodded, staring straight into her son's amber gaze.

"Lucifer created me because I was supposed to be his soulmate." When the words were out in the open, she visibly relaxed.

Milokan looked down to hide his raised eyebrows, realising that Kaiden and his family had so many bumps and tears in their relationships. It was a little crazy, but he couldn't complain. He had no idea who he was and why angels hated him so badly. He thought it was his clumsy characteristics and his incredible ability to mess things up, but surely, there's more to it than that.

"Soulmate... with-" Kaiden looked a little horrified. He ran a hand through his hair and wanted her to continue so he could process it later. "Why are you not then, if he created you for that purpose?"

"Because he didn't feel the bond straight away like he expected, and there was a war going on at that time, which Lucifer took me to so he could show me off to Jeronah," She sighed. "As soon as my eyes fell on him, the spark was there, and he could see it. Lucifer sent me straight back to hell, but Jeronah selflessly followed, knowing we were soulmates and wanted to connect. They fought over me, Jeronah gave him that scar and took me. We spent almost four thousand years on earth, hiding all over the globe from other demons and Lucifer. When we had you Kaiden, we got protection from an angel called Zachariah, he was the gatekeeper of heaven at the time and allowed us to hide there when you needed sleep. He knew you were spec- well, hiding from the devil, but Lucifer found us again, seeing a pattern of where we would be in the world after watching us for a few hundred year."

Before the silence could settle, Jeronah said, "I know it sounds terrible, me stealing Meloras like that, but love chose us. I felt for my brother, I really did. He poured too much of his heart and soul into making meloras and accidentally gave her some angel qualities, which is why she is a little different, like yourself Kaiden, which is why she is paired with an angel, I presume."

Meloras had furrowed her brows like there was more for her to say.

"In ways, I still feel bad for him. He's alone when he made me, but I guess, karma has funny ways of showing itself. He doesn't deserve love and fate showed him in the cruellest way possible." She turned to Jeronah, searching his eyes with memories. "At first it felt wrong to fall for you. I was supposed to hate you, but what could we have done? Die from a broken heart?"

"I felt like I was going to, those first years apart we're the worst of my life. I waited every day for the pain, hoping Lucifer would not kill you. Sometimes, I wanted just to end it all so our souls could be together. The only strength I had was my thoughts of Kaiden." Jeronah turned to his son, his eyes glistening with tears. "I did not know if he kept you alive, but he is right, all your suffering and pain, it is my fault. I took his love because it was given to me, it was selfish."

"No," Kaiden frowned. His voice was quiet. "You can't blame is actions for how you felt. I didn't want to be with him," Kaiden patted Milokan's face, making the angel flinch with each pat to the cheek. "I know how hard it is to reject a soulmate. If I were in your position, I would have gone after Milokan too." Kaiden glanced at his soulmate out of the corner of his eye. "Now I would. It was the other way around, really."

"Lucifer was distraught, as you could imagine. He created Meloras to live by his side for eternity, and she fell in love with me, his brother. I saw the pain it caused him. He did not help himself, though. By taking you both and treating you the way he has, I will never, ever forgive him, just like how he will never forgive me."

The sun hid behind the clouds, casting a dull shine on their back. Kaiden was chewing the inside of his lip. Things would be incredibly different if Lucifer succeeded in making his own soulmate. Of course, nobody could make a soul and force it to connect, even if they did possess as much power as the devil. In many ways, he deserved for it to fail, but it was still cruel.

"Do you still feel bad?" Kaiden asked Jeronah, not daring to put the word father into his mouth.

"Of course. I think back to that time almost every day. If I were in Lucifer's shoes, I would have been heartbroken. Then again, I have morals, and I can see my wrongdoings. He is the biggest example of evil to exist, and he doesn't see anything wrong with what he has done. So, why would he be fortunate enough to have someone as amazing as Meloras?"

Meloras climbed off the trunk of the fallen tree and crouched in front of her son. She took his hands in hers and squeezed tight.

"Do you understand now? All the secrets and the lies, I couldn't expose you to that. Lucifer would have killed you. He would tell me how much you looked like Jeronah, and that alone was enough to make him hit you out of spite, but you were my son, and he loved me. That's the only reason you are still here." she was trying not to choke on her words; the guilt and fear she has lived with for so many years had clogged every inch of her.

"Maybe, Jeronah received Meloras to show Lucifer that what he was doing was wrong, but fate backfired and made him worse. What a horrible situation," Milokan mumbled, almost to himself. He would never feel an ounce of sympathy for the devil, but he understood that it must have been a massive blow to his pride.

"Yes. Life is unfair. I still can't stop thinking that my brother deserved it. I know it sounds awful."

Kaiden stared deep into his mother's eyes. Everything was out in the open. No more lies, no more secrecy. He wasn't sure what to say, but being insensitive was not what she needed right now. She needed him for comfort after years of worrying that he would one-day get killed out of spite.

"Thank you for telling me," he mumbled, and Meloras broke down. She buried her head into his shoulder, and the tears fell.

"I wanted to for so long!" she sobbed. Kaiden rubbed her back, trying not to glance at Jeronah's sympathetic eyes.

He pressed his lips to her ear and whispered, "You belong to Jeronah, you deserve each other no matter what you were lead to believe." he glanced at Milokan knowing he could hear his hushed tone. "I'm so sorry, for everything."

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