The fall of the Predators

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Sorry for the long ass wait for this story, it took me a long time to even really get back to this website

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Sorry for the long ass wait for this story, it took me a long time to even really get back to this website. That be Serena, I know that it is for the game Smite, but in all honesty, that is a better visual of Serena than I could ever draw. Obviously I edited the skin so it has it's beautiful gold-ish green color. Now enjoy this chapter of A New Threat.

Serena's P.O.V

Glaring out at the field in rage Serena seethes, "How are they still alive Arbiter, you said that these were your best, why are they falling so easily?"

The brute slashes another predator that charged at him with a spear and it falls to the ground in two pieces. He growls and ducks just as a disk whizzes over his head, "They were more numerous than we thought, we are not out of this yet Serena, we have reinforcements incoming. Just a few more minutes!"

Hissing she crouches low, quickly leaping high into the air she lands on the shoulders of a predator that was charging a plasma shot, and twists its body just as it goes off. Causing the bolt to fly towards a turret that the predators built as a security measure. The large quadrupedal turret, immediately sparks, sputters and blows up. Hissing in glee, she impales the Yuatja underneath her and jumps away, only to dash back into the fray, clawing and ducking under Predators aiming to take her out. As she moves through the large battle, her eyes catch the faces of several Yuatja without masks on, and her mind moves to Kilysa, "Send in the young!"

Her eyes don't have to see them to know they are here, her very being knows that hundreds of Facehuggers have now swarmed onto the battlefield, and Serena's glee only builds as several Predators without masks on, fall to the ground with her daughter's children latched to their faces. Hissing loudly, her tail lashes out and impales a predator through it's shoulder, forcing it to drop the spear in its hand. Using her tail she pulls the creature closer to her and her hand rips its mask from its face. Then without warning, a facehugger, leaps into the air and firmly attaches itself to the creature's face. Using the strength in her tail she whips the body towards a Predator charging at her and the masked creature falls to the ground under the heavier predators weight. In response Serena leaps forward, and without stopping, rips the mask from the trapped predators face and impales another nearby Predator with her tail. Her claws rip and tear at the predator beneath her, his chest becoming nothing but a fleshy mess, her claws tear until she hits something important, which  covers her in luminescent green blood.

Her blood-lust levels seems to rise even further, only increased as more and more blood covers her face. She snaps out of it though when a hand grips her crown and her body leaves the ground, her body crashes with the ground again a few seconds later and she feels once of her dorsal tubes crack under the pressure of hitting the ground. Growling loudly she spins onto her feet and crouches low, her tail swishing back and forth. Her teeth chatter together and a hiss slowly leaves her lips, and her glare lands on the large Predator with three skulls secured to his back on spikes. His armor looks thick and his mask is covered in hundreds of small symbols, it looks as though he has had many accomplishments. Hissing lowly as a spear elongates in his hand she flicks her tails again, her eyes scan around the field, the majority of all the lesser predators are dead, but so are the lesser of the Arbiter's forces. Only the large creatures of his species are alive, many of them taking on their own enemies. 

Her gaze flicks towards her own children and spots the Destroyers piling the predators that have Facehuggers attached to them, away from the battle. Then she spots her Drones popping out of the trees, grab two Predators, then slide back into the forest. Looking back to the big Predator she smirks, "You're losing Yuatja filth, you'll never get to hunt my kind again!"

The Beast makes a few clicking noises before his voice comes out, rough and barely understandable, but just enough that she gets most of it. "You... will... die, even... not us... others come... you'll die."

Smirking she slowly rises, as she sees two destroyers coming up behind the creature, "Maybe so, but you won't be here to see it."

The Beast screams loudly as two tails pierce its stomach and it's lifted into the air, the scream is so loud that all Predators around us stop what they are doing and are easily disposed of, either knocked comatose, or killed. Serena smirks and saunters over to the creature, now bleeding out on the ground. Bending down she stares at the two holes in the creatures body, quickly yanking off the creatures mask she looks into its eyes. So full of pain and hate, but defiance and strength is the most prominent thing there. Smirking she looks at her claws, then looking down to the wound she digs her claws into her palm and smirks as a puddle of yellow blood pools there. Looking to the Destroyers she begins coating her palms in her blood. "Hold him down."

Looking to the creature she smirks, "You are a very strong Yuatja, a normal one of your Young-lings would have died from these wound almost immediately, but you still live, and you remain defiant. So I'm going to keep you alive, for now that is.... your markings show that you are very old... probably respected, meaning that if your kinds think your alive, they will hesitate to send more. They will think you have everything under control..."

They thing growls and tries to lash out but each of the Destroyers are holding down and arm and leg, looking to the creature she chuckles, "This will sting... a lot."


I am soooo sorry for the long wait, I've been really busy with work lately. School has been hard and I completely forgot about Wattpad until I got a comment notification. I'm sooo sorry, I hope you enjoyed and I'll try to be better at this.

A New Threat (The K-Series Sequel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum