Ch. 4

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"I am confused I thought we already met Lady Morgan." Thor looked at me in confusion, "Are you not Lady Morgan?" I laughed at his question.

"Have none of you thought of her importance? Why I respect her so much?" Fury asks the group of confused Avengers and rolls his eyes.

"Agent Morgan, would you like to continue?" He asks me. I examined the room we were in, it was small but just enough to demonstrate and explain.

"Yes, but first, I will give everyone one minuet to remove any recording devices from this room. That includes chips and cellphones. If you fail to comply, they will be fried beyond repair." I give them all a threateningly sweet smile.

Fury and I watched as they all removed all electronics and placed them in the hands of the agents that were waiting and ready. Thor did not have any, Steve gave his up right away along with Bruce and Natasha. However, Tony refused.

"You have 40 seconds, Stark." I warned him. I then turned to Fury, "I'm certain that you have bugs as well." Fury nods with no shame. "Well, they are about to be useless."

I turn back to Tony, he was still refusing.

"You have 12 seconds to comply." I stated with a warning tone.

"You're bluffing." He says.

I press the button in my sleeve. The sound of electric cracking runs through the room, along with a yelp from Tony.

"I apologize, but it is entirely your fault." I say to him.

I turn back to the group and smile. "What I am about to say is not to leave this room or accidentally slip from any of your mouths. Just saying this to you puts all of our lives in danger."

"My name is Morgan Hart. I am a high level spy for the secret organization, Kingsman. I was sent on this mission for the same reason as the rest of you. To protect the Earth."

"I thought the Kingsman was all myth. It was proven by multiple sources." Tony replies.

"Stark, just because you couldn't track us down doesn't mean we are 'myth'. It just means we are better than you." I reply. "Anyway, Kingsman has been around for quiet a while. We have knowledge of anything and everything. Yes, this also means I know everything there is to know about all of you."

They all tensed. "However, as a gentle-lady, I will never release that information. Also I didn't judge any of you based on your pasts. Up until the moment I shook all of your hands, you have become people I trust. Therefore, you are the only ones that can know about who I really am."

I glanced at everyone's face as they sat in the chairs while I stood. They all remained completely serious. Not a sliver of disbelief in sight, that was until I reached Tony who had his hand raised like a school boy.

"Yes, Tony?"

"Prove it." I grinned, causing everyone to look at me suspiciously.

Without any hesitation I aimed my suitcase gun at Starks face in a split second.

Before anyone could question my actions I fired multiple rounds above his head and into the wall behind him. Every ones chairs squeaked as they jumped at the loud sound, but I'm fairly certain Tony did not jump just because of the sounds.

"This here is called a suit case gun for obvious reasons." I set it down on the table, everyone staring at it warily. "You may examine."

Instead, the group watched as I pulled out every single weapon off of my outfit. Most from places that were hidden but easily in reach. When I was finished they all stared at the items.

"These are all everyday midgardian items." I smirked at Thors statement.

"That's what we want you to believe." I responded.

"Tony, no!" I smacked his hand as he reached for the grenade cigarette lighter. He immediately retracted his hand to his chest, rubbing it with a hurt expression on his face.

"This is a grenade. Flip open the top and it will detonate in seconds." I told them. "I'm just happy none of you smoke."

I pointed to each item, explaining what it was and how it worked, only demonstrating my favorites such as the lipstick tube that sprayed knockout gas, which was used on a random agent (author note: no agents were harmed in the making of this story), and last but not least the umbrella.

"This is my absolute favorite. Fury if you may? Please take this gun and shoot me and don't stop till I tell you." I could sense everyone tensing, but Steve stood up in what seemed like a protest but he was to late. It all happened in slow motion.

I popped open the umbrella making sure that everyone could see the technology that ran across the interior of the umbrella almost like a computer screen but fabric. We could see the out line of fury and each of the bullets. Then I dropped the trigger on the handle and shot three bullets around Fury while he was firing at me.

"Stop!" I yelled over the gunfire.

I calmly turned to the group behind me. All of them a tiny bit dazed.

"Now then, any questions?"

Tony raised his hand again causing me to sigh.

"Tony, you don't have to raise your hand."

He ignored my statement but put his hand down, nonetheless. Then he pointed at something on the desk, "So what does this do?"

I walk over to see what he was talking about. A laugh bubbled up but I tried my best to contain it.

"Tony, that's a pen. I'm completely positive that all it does is write."

The Kingsman Agent (A Kingsman and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now