Ch. 2

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"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." I managed to utter out, my arms bunched up against my chest. Steve reached out and grabbed my shoulders to keep me from just about toppling over.

"No, its alright."

An awkward silence filled the hallway. "So, uh...what did Fury mean back there?" I looked at him in confusion. "The whole "Kingsman" thing?"

A look of realization crossed my face, "Oh, right. I think I'm going to explain that to everyone later. However, I am going to the bridge. Will you accompany me?" I replied.

He nodded and turned and walked into the direction he was heading in before. He walked at my pace. I couldn't help but notice that his arm would occasionally brush against mine.

"This whole experience must have thrown you for loop, yeah?" It was his turn to look at me confused. "Y'know, the waking up only for it to be 70 years later. Must have been quiet the shock." He sighed and nodded, sheepishly looking to the floor.

"You have no idea." I laughed and this time I caught the look he gave me.

"I'm one hundred percent sure I have no idea. However, if you ever need someone to talk to, that can actually keep their mouth shut, I'm your gal." Smiling at him, I walked into the room we stopped at.

We walked over to Agent Coulson. He had started to talk to Steve about his vintage card set, and how amazing they were. It was adorable how he was so proud of them. I met eyes with Steve, who smiled at me, looking a bit embarrassed about the attention he was receiving from the man. The thought made me cover my mouth so that my laugh wouldn't escape.

"We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Cross match, seventy-nice percent." A agent told the room.

"Location?" Coulson asked.

"Stuttgart, Germany. He's not exactly hiding."

Fury turns to Steve and myself. "Captain...Gawain, your up." Both of us nod and leave the room. Steve heads to his locker room and I head to mine. Not needing to get dressed, I simply opened my suitcase and pulled out all of the weapons I would be needing and distributed them on separate parts of of my outfit. Once they were all hidden in there secret compartments I adjust my glasses and look into the mirror. My work face was on.


When Steve had first seen me, he looked confused. Most likely because I was marching into battle with presumably only an umbrella.

"Um?" I held my hand up to stop him from questioning me.

"Don't question me now, Rogers. We have work to do." At that he hesitantly nodded and we both walked onto the quinjet.

Natasha was the pilot, to which we both greeted her and took our seats.

In record time, the German gala was in view. Using my glasses, I zeroed in on the man that stood out the most. He was tall with shoulder length hair. It was covered with a gold helmet with two long horns at the top. The colors he wore were green, gold and black.

The thing that stood out to me most was the scepter he held in his hands. It glowed a bright blue at the top and looked extremely sleek for something so dangerous.

Steve hopped out just in time to save the elderly man and also knock the god off of his own feet.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."

That was my que to also jump out of the jet and landed slightly behind Steve.

"The soldier. A man out of time." His eyes landed on my form. It was at that moment I could feel a pull on my mind. He was trying to break into my mind. I glared and blocked him out.

The Kingsman Agent (A Kingsman and Avengers Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon