The Shining|Beacon

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Outside POV
You walk outside of the Ship and walked towards the Academy while being amazed at the same time/Well you have been here before but it still amazes you/Then you heard shouting and then a Explosion,You run towards the Explosion and sees Ruby being yelled at by a Girl in all White With a Myrtenaster hanging from her Belt
White:"This is Exactly the kind of thing I was Talking about!"
Ruby:"I'm really Really sorry"
White:"Ugh! You complete Dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a Little young to be Attending Beacon"
White:"This isn't your Ordinary Combat School.It's not just Sparring and Practice you know,We're here to fight Monsters so watch where you going!"
Y/n:"Calm Down Princess,you're gonna shatter the Windows
White:"Why You!
???:Actually it's Heiress"You turn to see a Girl with Amber eyes,A Black bow,Black and some white clothes on who is also reading a Book.
Black:"Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company,One of the Largest producers of energy propellant in the World.
Weiss:"Finally,Some recognition!"
Black:"The same company infamous for its Controversial labor Forces and Questionable Buisness Partners"You tried to contain your laughter but couldn't as you Laughed out Loud
Weiss:"What- How dare--!'The nerve of--!Ugh"She grabbed a Red vile from Black and walked away
Ruby:"I Promise I'll make this up to you,I guess I'm not the only one having a Rough first day.So What's--?"She stopped as Black just walked away.Ruby fell to her knees then fell on her Back
Ruby:"Welcome to Beacon..."You walked up to her and held you hand out
Y/n:"Need a Hand?"She grabs your hand as you pick her up from the Ground
Ruby:"Thanks Y/n,Hey I recognize you, Weren't you that guy who was in the Interrogation Room with me?"You scratch your Head at that while walking towards the Doors
Y/n:"Well Yea"
Ruby:"How did you get in there?"
Y/n:"Well I was 'Adopted' By Ozpin or It was Magic" I turned and saw stars in her eyes
Ruby:"You were Adopted by Ozpin!"
Y/n:"Hey keep it down,It's not like I'm the only one here that's Adopted
Ruby:"Which Ones!"
Y/n:"Not saying"We both enter the Academy and see a lot of people inside,No kidding because of the Amount of people that arrived
Yellow:"Ruby! Over here,I saved you a Spot!"
Ruby:"Oh!Hey! I gotta Go! I'll see you after the Ceremony!"She waves as she Runs off towards her Sister.You get a Text message on your Scroll
Ozpin:>"Hello Y/n,Will it be ok for you to join me on the Stage?"You hurry off towards the stage and sees F/n,Violet,And Diana standing nearby.You hurry up there and stands next to them
F/n:"Nice of you to join the Party"We all stopped talking after we heard
Ozpin:"Ahem... I'll keep this Brief"He said while Adjusting his Glasses
Ozpin:"You have Traveled here today in search of Knowledge.To hone your craft and acquire new skills.And when you have Finished,you plan to dedicate your Life to the Protection of the People.But I look amongst you and all I see is Wasted energy in need of purpose,Direction.You assume Knowledge will free you of this but your Time at this school will prove Knowledge can only carry you so far.It is up to you to take the First step"He walks away from the Microphone and Glynda stepped up
Glynda:"You will gather in the Ballroom Tonight.Tomorrow your Initiation begins.Be ready.You are Dismissed!"Everyone Murmured stuff left and right while You,F/n and Violet Sneaked off as Diana spoke with Ozpin.All 3 of you were walking towards a Special spot,A spot that's special to all of you,You walked towards the Back of the School and turned a Corner as a Baby Ursa Cub sat there playing with It's Toys
Y/n:"Hey Kuma"You waved and it turned and ran at you,You picked it up as it licked your face
Y/n:"Ok-Hah-I-Hah- Miss you-Hah- Too" You handed the Cub to Violet.Quick recap.
[When all of them were 14,They were in the woods looking for Grim to kill until they Met this cute Little cub,They took her back to Beacon and took care of him all the time.And if anyone came close and tried to attack Kuma then they would Protect her]
F/n:"She's always cute"he says while holding Kuma
???:"So this is where you've been "You turn around and sees Ozpin standing there
Ozpin:"You know I was always a Little bit curious on where you guys go and I know why"You could see everyone got a Little nervous
Ozpin:"Now now, don't worry a Tiny bit, since you've taken care of it and it hasn't destroyed the School then you could keep it"You were Overwhelmed with joy as Ozpin let you keep Kuma
Violet:"So you're l-letting us k-keep her?"He nodded in response
Ozpin:"oh but please keep it near by,I don't want any Grimm running around, a problematic one at best, also Glynda will not be pleased by this"He takes sip of Coffee then walks away
F/n:"Should we take her into Beacon? So she wouldn't be alone at Night?"
Y/n:"This is the Third time you asked that. Fine, you can bring her in, just make sure she doesn't get lost or Killed, Got it?" F/n Nodded In Response
It was dark and everyone was in the Ballroom,Some were up and running while others were chatting,You finished getting into your PJs and sat near F/n,Violet and Diana while sitting in sleeping bags,You also saw Kuma running around near us
F/n:"Hey,Don't get lost!"he shouted at Kuma with his hands
Y/n:"So that's the Disguise?"He said while looking at Kuma with a Small bear Costume
Diana:"What do you want us to do? Say that she's colored like a Baby Ursa?"You sighEd in defeat but heard somebody's dragging footsteps,You turn around and sees Yellow dragging Ruby while walking towards us
Ruby:"Yang! Stop it"
Yang:"Aw come on sis,I wanna meet your new friend"
Y/n:"Um who are you?
Yang:"Oh I'm Yang and this is my Sister Ruby,She didn't say that you were cute tho*Purrs"
Y/n:"Anyways,Not Interested,Hey guys,Introduce yourselves"Everyone stood up and did their Introductions
F/n:"Hey I'm F/n" he said as his middle finger and Pointer finger were together while the Pinky and 4th Finger were together but were separated from the other pair[Like when you meet Wrench in WD2]
Violet:"Hey there"She says as she waves
Diana:"Hey ah"She says as she simply just Waves
Y/n:"Oh and this little Cutie over here is Kuma"You say as she Runs at you,You grab her and holds her with you as you show her to Ruby and Yang
Yang:"Aw,She's so cute,hey what's this?"She says as she reaches for the Bear hoodie covering Kuma's Grimm side and she uncovers it and it reveals Kuma's Grimm side
Yang:"Ah!"She charges up Her Gauntlets and was about to hit Kuma but you Block it barely since you're using one Arm with your Staff
Y/n:"Now calm down and don't get Pissed!"she Stops attacking but her eyes are still Red instead of Lilac
Yang:"Fine,But what are you doing with a Grimm here!"She says pointing at Kuma
Y/n:"For your information,She is harmless and is Adorable,Also you're going to attract a Crowd"You said Petting Kuma,Yang rolled her eyes
Yang:"Fine,Anyways since we met you,Ruby over here wants to meet someone else,So you're getting dragged along with us"She said grabbing your Arm and Ruby's and pulled you towards a Black bowed person reading a book,While Dropping Kuma
Yang:"Hellooo!!"She said,Dropping Ruby and waving her free hand as she Drags you While Ruby stands there,looking away
Yang:"I think you Two know each other"
Black:"Aren't you that Girl that Exploded?"
Ruby:"Uhh,Yeah! My Name's Ruby"She holds her hand out then pulls it back as Black Doesn't shake it
Ruby:"But you can call me...Crater...Actually you can just Call me Ruby"
Black:"So,Who's he?"
Black:"Okay"Ruby and Yang Whisper something to each other but it was hard to make out
Yang:"So...What's your Name?"
Yang:"Well,Blake,I'm Yang!Ruby's Older Sister!...I like your Bow!
Yang:"It goes great with your...Pajamas!"
Y/n:"Real smooth Yang"
Yang:"Nice Night,Don't you think?
Blake:"Yes,It's Lovely.Almost as Lovely as this Book...Which I will Continue to Read...As soon as you Leave"
Yang:"Yeah,This Girl's a lost Cause"
Ruby:"What's it about?"
Ruby:"Your book,Does it have a Name?"
Blake:"Well...It's about a man with Two souls,each fighting for control over his body"
Y/n:"That's Real Lovely"Blake Glared At you
Ruby:"I love Books.Yang used to read to me every night before Bed,Stories of Heroes and Monsters...They're one of the Reasons I want to be a Huntress"
Blake:"Why is That?Hoping you live Happily ever after?
Ruby:"I hope we all will.As a girl, I wanted to be like those heroes in the Books,Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn't protect themselves"
Blake:"That's very ambitious for a Child.Unfortunately,The Real world isn't the Same as a fairytale"
Ruby:"Well,That's Why we're make it better"
Yang:"Ohhh I'm so proud of my Baby Sister"She says as she Hugs Ruby with You in the hug the Ruby punched Yang
Ruby:"Cut it out!"There was a Ruckus as you were sent towards a Wall,A portal Opened as You flew through it and landed on Someone
Y/n:"Thanks Diana" I said as me, F/n and Violet were in a pile with each other.

Y/n:"Well, I'm heading off to sleep now, cheers." I got out of the pile and towards my sleeping bag as I got inside and fell asleep.

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