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Nicole rubbed her temples, she looked at the small alarm clock on her desk. The ginger had been signing papers for over three hours.

The Police station was quiet only a few people were in the building because it was Saturday. But Nicole needed the money. So unfortunately she's been working nonstop, reading boring documents about people's lost dogs or shop lifters.

Randy Nedley, Purgatory's Town Sheriff suddenly bursted into the station. He walked to Nicole with a stack of crisp white papers and dropped them on Nicole's desk.

"More?" Nicole groaned. She placed her favorite blue pen (which was really a blue BIC pen) in a small cup at the corner of her desk.

"You're the one that volunteers for the Saturday shifts. This is your doing." Nedley smirked.

As the sheriff poured himself a cup of black coffee Nicole scanned through the papers. Once again nothing but lost dogs. What next cats stuck in trees? Nicole suddenly became more intrigued when she landed on a paper that for once wasn't a lost dog.

"Hey Nedley?" Nicole said getting Nedley's attention. "Who's Waverly Earp?" She questioned memorizing the small picture of a 19 year old girl with the most perfect smile in the world. she showed Nedley the paper.

"You weren't supposed to see that!" He grabbed the paper and placed it on his desk, faced down.

"But who is she?" Nicole repeated hoping Nedley would tell her. She's kinda hot, Nicole thought. She watched Nedley sit on his black leather seat placing his coffee on his desk right in front of a picture of Nicole's cat.

"Uhh well, jeez...How do I begin?" Nedley stalled, while he rubbed his grey stubble on his face and tapped his foot on the tile floor.

"Come on Nedley, we don't have all day. Nicole explained. She took a glance at her alarm clock, ten minutes tell her shift was done

Nedley took one last glance at the paper then looked at Nicole. "Waverly Earp has been missing for three years. We have tried everything to find her. Her sister Wynonna Earp is still looking for her everyday. We don't know what happened to Waverly, but there's rumors that she was kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend Champ, or that she had enough of being below her big sister, so she left purgatory and moved away, or even worse.. that's she's dead." Nedley stoped talking to catch his breath but before he could continue Nicole interrupted him.

"Wait so your saying the Wynonna Earp, that crazy chick with a gun, has a sister!?" Nicole looked at Nedley astonished then continued, "And you guys just stopped looking for her?!" She half-yelled not wanting to freak the man (Peter) printing papers.

"It's been three years Nicole. We wish we could find her, everyone does. She was-" Nedley corrected himself, "is the kindest person purgatory has ever met." Nedley grabbed a pen from his desk and started writing stuff down on a pad of paper.

"Then let me find her." Nicole said.

Nedley looked up from his pad of paper, "No, I'm not letting you take that responsibility. Plus, you could get hurt, or even killed."

"Please Nedley. Now is my chance to show you what I'm capable of. I need to do something interesting for once." Nicole begged giving Nedley pleading eyes.

Nedley hesitated for a minute, "Fine, don't make me regret this Nicole." He handed Nicole the paper of Waverly.

"Yes!" Nicole yelled getting up from her seat to hug Nedley. "You won't regret this sir!" Nicole grabbed her car keys and walked out of the office leaving Nedley and the guy printing papers starring at each other.

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