Chapter One: The Start

Start from the beginning

"Thank you so much..." The tallest one spoke, which he's assuming is the oldest of them all. Dean couldn't help but notice the nice clothes they wore which usually meant they were rich folks that were forced into the real world.
"Dean. Dean Winchester."
"Thank you Mister Winchester, my name is Micheal and these are my siblings Anael, Gabriel, and Lucifer. Then this is my cousin Castiel Novak," Micheal introduced. "It's Anna," the redhead mumbled. "We're wasting time," Lucifer snapped. Dean raised a brow, this family had issues.
Dean looked among the group when his eyes fell onto Castiel. He couldn't help but stare at him, his ocean blue eyes were just spectacular. "Well nice to meet you look I mean no offense by this but it doesn't seem like you guys know how to handle these monsters," Dean blurted out, quickly taking his attention away from Castiel (who he's determined to talk to later). "Quite frankly we don't know anything," Anna spoke up. "All we want to do is get to a military base but we have no idea where it is." Dean didn't need to look up to know the glares of the family are on him and Anna.
"Well in that case-" Dean was suddenly cut off by Lucifer who said, "We don't need help! We're perfectly fine!" Dean quickly shushed him, after he practically shouted that. "Unless you want to be dinner-I suggest you quiet down," Dean scolded angrily. "Lucifer listen to the boy. He may be able to help us," Micheal snapped.
Dean glanced at Castiel who in return was staring at him with his his head slightly tilted as if he was trying to figure something out. Dean totally thought it was cute, but he wouldn't admit. "Stop fighting! Let's just follow Dean-o! He obviously knows what's up!" Gabriel told the two bickering brothers.
"Whatever." Lucifer crossed his arms and looked away like a grumpy teenager.
Dean paused before realizing he was just volunteered by Gabriel to help them.
"So will you help us?" Anna asked. "Help you get to the base...?" Anna nodded. "If you decide to help, we will take you along to where we are heading. I guarantee once we reach there you'll be safe," Micheal offered. Now that caught Dean's attention. Safety for Sammy was enough for Dean. "Alright on one condition. I can bring my own family along. They are also skilled like me and they will protect you," Dean said. He could see he hesitation in their faces (except for Castiel who just looked happy) but before anybody could refuse Castiel answered, "Then it is a deal. We will allow your family to come along." Dean smiled and nodded.
"Alright then. Follow me," Dean said before he began making his way back to Bobby's.
When they arrived at Bobby's and Dean finally managed to convince Bobby not to shoot the newcomers before explaining the situation, Dean began packing for him and his brother who was sitting on the bed giggling away as he played with his toys to the side.
"Hello Dean."
Dean jumped at the sudden voice behind him. "Jesus Crist!" Castiel neutral expression turned from one of contempt to confusion. "No it's Castiel," He said like he had to remind Dean.
"I know it's you! It's just...nevermind. What's up Cas?" Castiel confusion faded into to happiness. "You called me Cas?" He asked. "Yeah...Castiel is a mouthful," Dean mumbled shyly.
"I like Cas," Castiel agreed with a small smile. Dean couldn't help but smile back. "So Cas, what brings you to my room?" Castiel paused before looking down at his shoes. "Micheal wish me to notify you of the plan and wants to hear your feedback," Castiel told him.
"Alright hit me Cas." Castiel face turned to panic and he looked up at Dean's green eyes. "I would never physically harm you Dean! Why would you wish that upon yourself?" Dean blinked before he suddenly burst into laughter. "Dude! Calm down! It's just a saying! It means just tell me! I don't want you to actually hit me!" Dean managed to calm himself down enough after a few minutes of nonstop laughter to allow Castiel to talk. "I'm sorry. My people skills are a bit rusty," Castiel told Dean seriously. "Do me a favor Cas. Don't ever change," Dean told him and meant it. He liked Castiel even if he was a bit odd.
Cas smiled and nodded.
"Alright so lay it on me," Dean said. After a few seconds of silence Dean added, "The plan. Tell me the plan." Cas nodded before he begun speaking, "It seems that Micheal will be leading the way to this Military Base. I don't know where exactly we are going but I do know why. From my understanding, the government managed to create something-a ship I believe that would take us to safety. This I believe is call 'Project: HEAVEN'; one of Michael's friends informed us of this a little over a week ago and we've been traveling since. See, we've never been in contact with the outside world after the apocalypse so when the "werewolves" appeared we were afraid. So thank you for saving us. I appreciate it."
Dean took a few seconds before saying, "wait. You're telling me that 'Project: Heaven' the RUMOR is actually real?!" Castiel nodded.
"Wait...if that's real then that ship would take us to another planet similar to earth?" Castiel nodded again. "You do realize this sound made up right?" Castiel frowned. "I do not understand, are you not excited that this so called ''rumor'' exists?"
Dean signed. "It's not that Cas. It's just the whole other planet thing sounds like BS and if we go and turns out it's not real...I just don't want to live off false hope. Also even if this exists, why haven't the public heard about this? Why aren't people lining up to go to this spaceship?"
Castiel went silent before his attention was drawn to Sam who threw his stuffed bear at Cas. "It's getting late. We should head to bed and rest up. Tomorrow is going to be a long day," Dean announced. Castiel nodded before standing from his spot on the bed. "Of course. Goodnight Dean," Castiel told him before exiting the room.
Only then did Dean get a good look at Cas's overcoat, which was strangely spotless clean. Wow.
Dean felt a twinge of disappointment when Cas left, he liked Cas's company a lot. He especially loved it when he did his little head tilt and-NO. Stop. He couldn't think that way. Castiel was a friend, and also probably straight.
Now is not time for your feelings Winchester. He's being nice to you because you saved him! Just focus on Sammy. He needs you.
Dean sighed before he picked up Sammy and laid down. "Night Samantha," He mumbled. "Night..night De..." The child responded before drifting off to sleep. Dean smiled before he fell asleep as well, with the thought of the blue eyed man plaguing his dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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