Cinder: c-can you k-k-kill that b-bitch?

You chuckled and kissed her

(Y/n): of course my love

You whispered into her ear

You stand up and looked at Tyrian

(Y/n): Tyrian. Come with me, we have a girl to kill

You said grinning wider than Tyrian

Tyrian: Yes, YES! My Lord.

Tyrian clapped his hands and laughed

Along with Tyrian you then leaved the castle

(Y/n): Tyrian I still must recover from my last transformation so I'll be just watching, if you have problem with that you can say.

Tyrian: no,no,no my Lord it's totally alright my Lord

(Y/n): goo-

Abductor: my Lord!

You turned around and see abductor slithering to you two

(Y/n): abductor, what would you need friend?

Abductor: where are you two going my Lord?

(Y/n): well Tyrian is going to kill Ruby, and I'm going to watch since I still need to recover

You said creating a portal

Abductor: oh, ok so bye my Lord

Abductor said slithering back to the castle

You looked back at Tyrian

(Y/n): ready?

Tyrian: YES!

you two then jumped into the portal


(Y/n): well we are h-

You looked around but you didn't see Tyrian,

(Y/n): how could I teleport us in different places?!

You said angrily you then saw Weiss walking along the hall

(Y/n): good she can't hear or see me, for now...

You said quietly following her


You followed Weiss for like 20 minutes? And you already passed some statues and rooms

Suddenly Weiss nearly bumped into Whitley

(Y/n): I hate schnee's but Whitley is the most annoying fuck I ever seen

Whitley: good afternoon sister, a pleasure to see you from your room for a change

Weiss: hello Whitley, your in Cherry mood today...

Weiss said walking around Whitley

You got quickly bored so you talked in Whitleys head

'whitley schnee if you want to help destroy faunas go into your room I'll be waiting there for you'

Whitley smiled

Whitley: I would like to talk to you more dear sister but... I got more important things to do

Whitley said going away

After Whitley got into his room he said

Whitley: I'm here. Where are you?

(Y/n): right behind you

You said scaring him and making him fall on the floor quickly backing away from you

(Y/n): afraid?

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