Chapter Eighteen

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Eight hours and four sweeping interludes of lethargic slumber later, a band of teenagers trailed down a set of steel stairs and came into abrupt contact with the crisp Italian air. Velveteen ribbons of the mint cold bound them strictly to the indoors, with their hands dug deep into their pockets. Whirls of wind pummeled at Annika's hair and she'd spluttered out her complaints within approximately three seconds.

Rather than dawdle over the seeping chill that nipped at her skin, Maddie straightened out her coat and rested her arm on her luggage. They'd reached the airport after a quick shuttle ride, and she tried desperately not to be swept away by the ocean of travelers whirring about her.

They entered the arrivals center. Once they'd reached the immigration site they slid their passports across the counter and were met with a mumbled respects. The woman flipped them open until her painted fingernails stumbled across their bio-data. It was embossed with a silken stamp of blue, indicating the European visa Sonia had composed for them.

The woman raised a brow at them with her ruby lips pursed. Golden threads of hair spilled out from beneath her tipped black hat, with a sky blue scarf tied into a bow at her collarbones.

"You were sent here?"

Maddie shot her an indignant glance. Leah peeked out a glare from outside the realm of her luminous phone screen, her pink locks framing her stormy eyes.

"Who's asking?"

Ignoring the question, she returned to flicking through their information as she punched down another glossy stamp. Then, she snapped the passports shut with a mockingly plastic smile settled on her lips. "Next!"

They shuffled away from the line and began walking towards the exit wearing concerned frowns. They couldn't have been sniffed out already, could they? They hadn't had their feet in Italian soil for over half an hour.

"Maybe the lights dimmed-" Alex offered.

"Or maybe they've been expecting us," Violet huffed, crossing her arms over her blanketed shoulders.

Asher turned to them. "Whatever it is, we have to make sure we're prepared. And if Sonia was right, and they've already sensed something, we can't make it any more obvious - that means no glamours."

"A glamour will make us stand out even more," Katya continued. "Hell, there won't be any electricity left for their consumption. It'll all be caged inside of us."

Annika stayed silent. Leah took a deep breath. "So what? What about when they do chase us down, won't we have to use our powers then?"

"Of course we will," Maddie assured. "If they already know we're here, there's no use in hiding. Eventually, they'll be drawn to us. Then, we do whatever the hell we need to do. Afterall, we're supposed to get out alive."

After they burst through the doors and were greeted with a slam of icy air, Asher led them through the mass of general public and towards the front. They approached the posts and red ribbons in search of their consort.

Sonia had indicated that there would be men waiting for them, with scribbled signs and discreet spy-gear hanging from the insides of Italian blazers. Italian blazers on American skin, she assured them. Any French allies were non-existent, and any kinds of other allies would never willingly lead danger. The only people they could trust were themselves. Magical politics was rough, and no one wanted to plant a landmine if it meant they might've stepped on it.

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