Don't Worry!

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Hey everyone! It's the stupidest writer ever, Aliza :)

Okay, so I know I haven't updated in a long ass time, but I just want to say:
Don't worry!

Okay, so I know I haven't updated in a long ass time, but I just want to say: Don't worry!

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My lack of updating hasn't been due to death, or sickness, or laziness. Rather, the reason I decided to put Wattpad aside for a moment was because of another priority of mine... NO, it's not school.

Basically, at the very start of the summer, I was registered to attend a global competition in Cape Town, South Africa. And, since this was a really big freaking deal, I spent months away from writing to focus on studying for the competition, because it does actually include a complete syllabus of 6 subjects, and then subtopics inside, as well as debate, essay writing, and basically a bunch of things none of you will care less about.

Regardless, my free time was fully endorsed into that preparation. 

To sum things up, me and my teammates were bomb. We slayed it. Like, for real.

We qualified for the next stage of the competition which is in November, at Yale University in America

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We qualified for the next stage of the competition which is in November, at Yale University in America. So, now all our free time will be dedicated to preparation for that.

I realize I should have included a notice about this way earlier, because I really gosh darn hope I haven't lost any readers or support on this book. It will 100% be continued once I have finished this competition. After the month of November, I'll be back. Fast and furious, but mostly just apologetic.

I'm really really sorry if I scared anyone with the scarcity of my presence on wattpad, and I hope you all forgive me for not speaking up about the reason why. I'll be responding to all your comments and messaging some of you as soon as I get back.

So, until then, I love you all so much! Thank you for the brilliant support that you've always shown me, even when you had no idea if I was still alive. I appreciate it more than you know. I'll see you all very soon... Wish me luck for this one! ❤️

 Wish me luck for this one! ❤️

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