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Hey everyone

So in my last a/n I asked if you liked the ending of the last chapter (thank you also to those who commented). Since some of you wanted in changed, I decided to change the ending back to my original plan, when I originally wrote it I got a little bit carried away and derived from my original idea, so because some of you wanted something different and I also didn't like the ending I changed it and followed my original plan once again.  So from now on this book with follow my original plan so basically what you have to do is read the last chapter again, not many things were changed it was just the ending and some of the earlier event were woven through with the new ending. So I hope that you like the rewritten chapter and that this a/n didn't confuse you. Also I will get rid of all the author notes soon so that they don't annoy you readers as you are trying to get to the next chapter. I know lots of a/n can be very annoying so once most of you guys have become aware of the book changes I will take MOST of the a/n down.

Sorry for the long a/n (well long for me)

Raitā out

Blood Covered Secrets  {Yuichiro x reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang