Chapter 9 |~| Past

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"Hey (f/n)?"
"Yeah what's up Yuu?" You turn around to Yuu looking straight at you.
"Aren't you also stationed at the uniform repairs or something?" He asks.
"Yeah the UR station. I mostly go their on my days off. Why do you ask?"
"Just curious, I just remember the first time we met you yelled at me for handing in a trashed uniform."
"Yeah, well you really should respect it more, you might die in it and also you need to remember that someone went through a lot of effort to make that for you." You says proudly.
"I guess your right." He mumbles. You continue down the hall. Not a word being spoken.
"Yes Yuu?"
"Where is the UR station?"
"Ohh its hidden in the building amongst ancient ruins and through an entrance to hell." You say spookily. Yuu looks at you slightly terrified.
"Nah I'm just kidding, it's in that back building behind the dorms." You smirk as Yuu relaxes.
"And why do you ask?" You question him.
"Oh I just didn't know where it was and if we had to come get you for a mission or something I just umm.. wanted to know where it was ah ah ha ......" Yuu stumbles over his words.
"Haha okay, but you know that you could have asked Yoichi." You smirk as you continue walking down the hall. Yuu catches up and continues to talk to you. Making your way to the cafeteria, the two of you grab something to eat because you both missed lunch. You continue talking as you make your way to an empty table. Sitting down you zone out of all the little mumbles from around the room. Completely focuses on what Yuu was talking about. As he rambles on you continue to admire him. His feature, personality and small amount of humour. As you continue listening you don't even notice that your squad as joined the two of you at the table. Greeting them with an embarrassed face, the two of you apologies. You once again continue to listen to Yuu including your squad in the conversation.
As weeks pass you grow closer to your squad. Having frequent conversation with all 5 of them. But after dinner one day when you and Yuu where walking back to the dorms when you found out that Guren was the one that found Yuu after he escaped from the vampires.
"Haha looks like we both have something in common with Guren then." You smile
"Ha?" Says Yuu.
"He's a father to both of us." You look up at Yuu and smile. He lets out a small laugh.
"Yeah your right." Says Yuu with a smile.
"Here's my stop, I will see you tomorrow, meet at the cafeteria in the morning?" Asking Yuu as you open your dorm door.
"Yep, night (f/n)."
"Night Yuu." Closing the door behind you, you hear Yuu's footsteps slowly fade away. After lying on top of your bed for a couple of hours unable to sleep you get up and decide to get moving, seeing if burning some energy will get you tired enough to sleep. Slipping into a jumper and leggings, grabbing your runners you walk out of your room. Closing your door as quietly as you can as to not disturb the people in the dorms around you. Walking across the hall, you open the window. Stepping onto the window ledge you climb out the window. Holding onto the window frame outside you close the window gently. Hearing it lightly lock you jump down. Falling four stories you land on the ground. Avoiding making a crack in the pavement you role on impact with the ground. Standing up, you start to walk around the dorm building, after doing three laps of the dorms you still don't feel tired. You start to pick up your pace you start to jog around the dorm building. Again not feeling tired. You continue to pick up your pace. You start to run, sprinting, even jumping and flipping. But still nothing is working. After continuing for hours you finally stop to catch your breath. Starting again you make your way all around the area doing the same things. Stopping once again you find that you had stopped at the cafeteria door. Seeing the lights still on you walk in. Finding no one in there, you walk to the kitchen and grab a glass and fill it with water. Grabbing a bowl you fill it with some cereal. Taking the bowl and glass you sit down at one of the tables. Eating your cereal you lift up your spoon. Looking at your reflection you shine your eye. Glowing red. Opening your mouth, you look at your fangs growing from your gums.
"Ha, is still don't know how people haven't noticed these, ha?" You laugh at yourself. Placing the spoon back in the bowl, you pick up the glass and take a big gulp from it. Placing it back on the table. Laying your arms on the table, you lay your head on top of them. Slowly, with out noticing, you doze off.
Waking up the next morning to Shinya's smiling face. He had shaken you awake. Lifting your head up, you rub your eyes. Looking up at Shinya and then around the room. Noticing it was only you and Shinya, you look back at him.
"Did you doze off here last night?" He asks kindly
"Yeah, couldn't get to sleep so I went and ran around, you know and came here for some food and I must have fallen asleep." You say with a smile.
"Yeah, sounds like something Guren would do. You know he used to do exactly what you just did when he first came to the army." Smiles Shinya
"Really?!" You ask with your sleepy eyes widening.
"Yep." Says Shinya popping the p.
"Okay I think I should go back to my room and get ready for today and whatever it has to throw at me." You get up and wave good bye to Shinya as you leave the cafeteria.

Blood Covered Secrets  {Yuichiro x reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora