Chapter 2 |~| My Secret

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You walk to the weapon forgery really in need of hitting something. You walk to the Head as the lead weapon forger was known as and ask for the swords in need to fixing. He hands you a couple and you head to the fire. You heat up the blades and place them on the bench. You grab the hammer and slam down upon the blade realigning it. You then put it in a bucket of water to cold it down. You then head of to the grinder. You place the blade against the metal stone and sharpen the blade. After you do this a couple more times the blade it sharp enough to get back onto the battles field. After letting all your anger out you head to you dorm. It's about 9:46pm.
"Wow looks like I was in the forgery for a while, I missed dinner. Oh well it's not like I can eat half that stuff anyway." You mumble to yourself. Tired from your day you fall asleep on your bed still in your uniform. You wake up again. At 3 in the morning, thirsty. You jump up from your bed and run all the way to the "great" (not really) Guren's office. You knock on the door, fully knowing that he is still in the office either still listing to his record while working or asleep. You get to the door and hear the recorder playing.
"Good he's still in there." You mumble to yourself. You knock on the door. No response. You knock on the door again harder, again no response. You knock one last time harder and wait, maybe, ahhh, still no response. Getting annoyed you slam the door open. You take to steps in to see Guren on the ground like he had fallen of his chair.
"(F/N) don't do that you scared the crap out of me!" Guren shouts. You just look at Guren completely unimpressed. You've known this man since you were little, 5 to be exact. He found you after your Gran had died in the apocalypse. You tried to find your parents but you couldn't find them so Guren took you in. He looked after you for most of your young life. When he had to go on missions or meetings he would either leave you with the Head (weapon master) or the head seamstress, that's how you got so into sewing and weapon mastering. Making and repairing things always interested you. When Guren wasn't away he would teach you and train you. Even at the age of 16 people would only just be getting into their area of the army and their squads but you were leading one and was automatically put into the Demon Army. Okay ops let's get back to this crazy man on the ground.
"Guren, food, like now!" You nag Guren. He gets up and rubs his sore behind and slowly walks over to a locked draw.
"Yeah, clam down what did you miss dinner or something, I thought you had a stash in you room, you fang." He says to you.
"Missed dinner, ran out, oh hurry up or you will have a pissed off fang." You gesture to Guren to hurry his ass up. He grabs his keys and opens the locked draw just under his record player. He throws a glass tube at you containing a red liquid.
"Hey, don't throw them, Guren come on if I drop this it's going to stain you lovely, well not really, rug in here!" You shout as you catch the tube that Guren had thrown at you while you were yelling at him.
"What you on your period or something you hormonal fang?" Says Guren.
"Piss off, that's the only one good thing about being a fang you don't get your period, lucky for you." You reply
"Yeah thank god I didn't want to deal with that shit." Guren walks over to his desk and sits back on his chair.
"I can't believe we let a fang like you into the army, I'm harbouring the thing that we are meant to destroy." Says Guren as he lays his head back.
"You could have left me on the streets to die, it's not my fault a Nobel found me and though it would be a good idea to make me his little vampire slave. Could you imagine if he made me drink human blood I would look like a 5 year old forever. Thanks god that I don't. Just yeah drink the blood of my own kind so I don't like like a kid in the army." You answer back to Guren.
"What do you mean you are a kid." Replies Guren.
"Hey piss off, I can take you on." You deadpan.
"Yeah unlike that stupid boy that keeps coming at me." He let's out a sigh.
"Which one?" You ask.
"His name is Yuu, his friends like to call him Yuu chan." You look at Guren in shock.
"WHAT!! I just had a go at that kid yesterday, little ass keeps handing trashed uniforms into pick up." You shout.
"Yeah that be him, he's a cocky little ass." Says Guren
"Yeah well whatever, I'm going back to bed, I'll come back in the morning to get my supply." You turn your back and wave to Guren as you leave his office closing the door behind you. You head back to your dorm. You skull down the red liquid from the tube then throw it in a small tub hidden inside your cupboard. You flop back onto your bed and kick your boots off and fall back to sleep.
You wake up to a knock on your door. You get up from your bed not caring what your (h/c) hair looks like. You open your door to Yuu.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, tired.
"Umm Guren asked me to give these to you, he told me to tell you that he would be out and wouldn't be in his office for you to come get it." Say Yuu. His cheeks going red cause the top two buttons on your uniform had come undone. You take the brown box from Yuu.
"Thanks, now leave before I get pissed at you for being an ass to me and Guren." You close the door in his face before he could say anything. You open the box to see inside two weeks worth of blood rations. You put the box in your cupboard next to the other one filled with the empty glass tubes. You look down at your uniform and see that the two buttons are undone. You shake it off not caring. You live with Guren and his friend Shinya was over a lot so you just get used to guys seeing you like this. You do up your uniform, pull your socks up and put your boots. You pick up your sword from where it was leaning against the wall and clip it into place on you hip. You walk over to your mirror and fix your hair. Happy with how you look you leave your room and head to breakfast. Grabbing your tray of food you head over to your squad. You sit down with them and chat. Almost finishing your breakfast you get called over by Shinoa to go and see Shinya. Quickly finishing your breakfast and saying good bye to your squad you go to Shinya's office. You knock on the door and state your name.
"Come in." Shinya says. You open the door and see Shinya playing around with his pen.
"What's up you called me here?" You ask as you put your hand on your hip.
"Umm we need you to fill in for Guren, he ditched his class again and we don't have one to spare to fill in." Says Shinya.
"Sure thing." You nod your head and Shinya hands you a time table and some notes. You leave the room waving goodbye to Shinya. You look down at the timetable. Room 2A is shows same room all week. You look through the notes getting ready for what you have to teach the class. You look at the last page.
"Good luck (y/n)." It says. It has a little drawing of Shinya holding his thumbs up. You look at the note confused.
"Why is he wishing me good luck?" You question.

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