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Gunshots could be heard around the halls of Highclere Castle. A woman by the name of Morgan, was thrown into the hall and smashed into the wall opposite of it. She groaned aloud and pulled out her side pistol that all Kingsman Agents were mandated to wear.

"Boys, I really wanted to have this the easier way, but if you prefer the hard way, that's okay too." She mumbled to the group of men in the room she was just thrown out of. And in what seemed like the snap of a finger, all men were on the ground.

She confidently marched into the room and grabbed the cliche silver suitcase, that seemed as if every bad guy had.

"I got the drugs, now can I please get out of here before these bodies smell or would you prefer for me to stay here and examine each particle of sand?" She spoke into her ear piece.

"No time for your sass, Morgan. Just get to the car." Morgan rolled her eyes at Merlins voice.

She walked out of what she assumed was the castles back door and towards the black car that was in the most obvious yet clever spot. The passenger door was opened for her by Merlin. She slid into the seat and shut the door behind her.

"Y'know, I would really appreciate it if you gave me harder missions once in a while." Her voice rang out, destroying the awkward silence.

"Its not me that assigns the missions, I'm just the supervisor and expert hacker." He replied keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him. "If you want someone to complain to about it, I suggest you turn to your father." Morgan groaned out load and turned to look out the window.

"Yeah right, he wouldn't listen to me even if I slapped him in the face." She mumbled, holding back the anger. The last person she wanted to go off on was Merlin. The two were close, as close as a godfather could be at least. He was one of the two people she could trust with her life, her father being the other.

"He just cares about you and he--" He was cut off by Morgan.

"Don't you start with that too. Of course I know he cares about me, but he has to realize that a 25 year old trained secret spy can handle harder missions. And not missions like these. None of the guys in there had weapons on them, and I just waltzed in and kill them? Whats up with that?" Merlin glanced over at her.

"Always the observant one aren't you? Besides, knowing Kingsman, I bet there is something in the drugs that they want. " He sighed. Then he remained silent even though he knew could tell she wanted more information by the way that her eyes glared into soul. "You're on, electro-wizard." She shook his hand with a smile on her face. Both of them remained silent for the rest of the ride.


Once the car pulled into the small houses driveway, Morgan got out in a hurry. The suitcase still in her hands. The house may have looked the part of an average home, it wasn't. The minuet she walked in she pulled the coat hanger mount down, and the walls in the hallway across from her opened. She could hear Merlin behind her as she walked down the stairs and into the lab.

The suitcase was taken by a scientist and placed on the metal table in the middle of the room. Then she waltzed over to where her father stood along with other higher agents.

He looked at her and held his finger up in the gesture for her to "wait" until he was done speaking. She nodded and watched as the scientists opened the case and removed the powdery plastic bags.

Her eyes widened when she saw them remove a gun from inside the powder. She immediately looked to Merlin. He smirked at her and held out his hand. She groaned out and reached to her jacket pocket and grabbed the money out of her pocket and slapped it in his hand.

"In my defense, you probably already knew about it." He laughed at her and walked into the break room across the hall.

Morgan shook her head with a light smile on her face and turned back to see if her father was done. Seeing he was, she walked over. She saw him glance down at his watch.

"36 minuets and 12 seconds, your getting better, love." She rolled her eyes at her fathers statement.

"Maybe that's why you should give me harder work, father." She said.

"Ah. That reminds me, I have something to tell you. A man by the name of Nick Fury approached me this morning." Harry (Galahad) guided his daughter out of the room and into the room that Merlin was in. The smell of tea wafted around the room.

"He wants one of our agents to report to New York to assist him an assignment. He didn't tell me what it was but I figured you would be able to handle it." Morgan looked at him in shock almost spilling the tea she was pouring while he spoke.

"Really?!" Excitement filled her. This was the first time he allowed her on a mission that far from home. Her father nodded.

"I did look into the assignment with the help of Merlin. The folder is in your office. I looked through it and I believe you can very well handle this. Just make sure you grab all of the things you need." She immediately nodded and went to leave when her dad grabbed her arm gently.

"If you ever feel the need to leave, please do. This Nick Fury seems to be the type to manipulate people."

"I will father, I promise." She replied, sensing his strict tone. She decided against hugging him, it would be awkward for both of them, as they have never truly had that kind of relationship. She waved to Merlin and walked out the door.


Morgan grabbed everything she needed. From her special custom kingsman umbrella that her father favored so much to her necklace that recorded voices at the sound of a key word. She slid into her uniform that consisted of a white button up blouse, a slick black suit jacket and tight black pants. She wore matte black heels on her feet and held her assigned suitcase that could not only shoot bullets but also her extra uniforms and the very important vanilla folder.

She braided her black hair into a slicked back french braid and slid her also black glasses (that she really did not need, but was very helpful in fighting), in front of her brown eyes. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror and applied her deep red lipstick on. Not a thing was out of place.

Then, without any hesitation, she walked out of her room and to the kingsman jet that was ready for take off. Quickly and elegantly she walked up the steps and herself straight into her new life for the time being.

The Kingsman Agent (A Kingsman and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now