Chapter 2

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Margot and I ended up having  a peaceful night that consisted of watching TV, choosing music for our dance classes that we teach, sort of, and sleep. But we didn't get much sleep seeing as we kept hearing Kelly and Mac running around. Pretty soon that all stopped and we were finally able to get back to sleep. Now I am frantically looking for my Bluetooth speaker while Margot was packing our dance bags. We are both Assistant Dance Instructors, me with little kids and Margot with teens. "Maybe, your aunt and uncle knows where it is."she suggested. I literally jumped around to face her. "You are a GENIUS!"I yelled as I ran out the door with Margot close behind. I found my aunt and uncle talking to our new neighbors. "Hey, Kelly, have you seen my speaker?"I asked her completely ignoring the people in front of me. "We are just introducing ourselves to our new neighbors. Girls, this is-"my uncle began as he started to turn my around before getting interrupted when I fully faced the two guys in front of us. "Teddy! I'm Teddy and this is my buddy Pete."the guy in the tank-top said as he slapped "Pete's" chest. "Okay, well, I'm Kiana and this is my friend Margot." "Best friend."Margot stated loud and clear. Now that that was over with, I turned back to Kelly. "Now about the speaker-" "Yes, I believe I saw it in Stella's room somewhere."she told me. "Thank you." I turned back to the guys and gave a polite wave goodbye before dragging Margot back across the yard. "You are so lucky."she stated loud enough for the entire neighborhood could hear. "Shut the fuck up."


We got home late at night after going to dinner and a movie, only to find that my aunt and uncle weren't home and Stella was by herself, and our neighbors were throwing a loud party. The fact that Stella was alone was the one thing that concerned me, mainly because I had a feeling that Mac and Kelly were over at the frat house and that I'm used to hearing wild parties and loud music. If you knew my mother, you'd know why. I found my old racetrack earmuffs and put them on Stella to block out the noise. Which seemed to work just fine. I'm just happy that Margot and I have the day off tomorrow. Anyway, we woke up the next day to Stella crying and us starving. I got Stella taken care of after we got dressed and went outside to find my aunt and uncle. I found them talking to Teddy. "Hey guys."I said walking up to Kelly and Mac. "Hey Kiana."I heard Teddy say. I smiled at him. "Hey Teddy. And please, call me Kia."I said kinda awkwardly. There's just something about him that when I look at him or even think about him my heart races and I don't know why. I then turned back to Kelly and Mac. "So Margot and I have the day off and I was going to get something for us to eat. What do you guys want?"I asked. "Anything is fine with us."Mac said. "Okay then. McDonald's it is. I'll see you guys later." I started walking back towards my car when Margot came running up to me. "Did I just see you give Teddy the cold shoulder?"Margot asked while pointing to the frat house. "I didn't give him the cold shoulder, Mar. I said hi to him."I said while unlocking my car and getting in, only for Margot to get in the passenger side. "Yeah, but he's so HOT! You don't just go up to a guy who looks like he was handcrafted by God himself and say 'hi'."she said. I shook my head and started the car. "To be honest, Mar, he isn't all that hot."I lied. To be honest I actually thought he was pretty attractive. "I cannot believe you just said that. Friendship over. FRIENDSHIP OVER!"she yelled right in my ear. Yeah, you can probably tell by now that Margot is as they say "boy crazy." All in all, we all had a pretty good day until I was woken up in the middle of the night by music louder than I was used to. I looked at my alarm and it was four in the morning. I wasn't even supposed to be up until eight and I have to be at work at ten. I groaned and shoved my head under my pillow in an attempt to block out the noise. It didn't work. Just as I felt myself starting to drift off when I heard pounding on the door. I groaned and got up. I saw Mac and Kelly, who was holding Stella, at the door with a cop and Teddy behind him, who looked like he was freaking out. "What the fuck is going on?"I asked. "Miss, do you live here as well?"the cop asked. "Well if I didn't live here I wouldn't have just walked out of my goddamn bedroom dumbass."I stated. When I'm tired, I tend to become a bitch to mostly everyone. I looked past the cop to Teddy and gave him an apologetic look. 

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