Chapter 3

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So Teddy declared war. My aunt and uncle played into it and I just tried to avoid it. I also thought that some of the stuff they did to the other was pretty funny. As of now, Kelly and Mac are meeting with a Real Estate Agent to discuss selling the house and Margot and I are sitting in my room with Stella who's playing on the floor. "So you guys are moving?"Margot asked. "I don't know. Mac and Kelly are thinking about it and I don't think I want to leave."I told her. "Then don't leave. Buy them out."she suggested. I gave her a look. "With what money? I can barely afford a one bedroom apartment, so how can I afford an entire house?"I asked. "I'll loan you the money."she offered. I shook my head. "No. You know how much I hate owing people money. I'm still paying off the tow-truck company." I then decided to try to get out of the conversation. "I'm gonna get something to drink. You want anything?"I asked getting up. "Nothing. I gotta get going anyway. You should come by later though."she said getting up and hugging. "I will. Bye." "Bye." I followed her to the door and went into the kitchen. I came back into the living room after getting myself a bottle of water only to see Kelly, and Mac talking to Teddy and Pete who were dressed as characters from Robert De Niro movies. I walked up to the four and decided to have a little fun of my own. "Let me guess. Taxi Driver De Niro and Meet The Fockers De Niro."I guessed. I already knew I was right since I've seen nearly every Robert De Niro movie ever made. "You know Robert De Niro?"Teddy asked. "Know him? I've practically worshiped his movies since I was six."I told him. "Me too. You wanna come to the party?"he asked flirtatiously. "No thanks. See you later boys." I then walked away and it was silent until I left and went back upstairs. 


Well, I got another night without sleep and the parties kept getting louder and louder. It was later in the day when I was teaching five year olds the dance to the Lion King's 'Just Can't Wait To Be King' when I got a call. I told them to keep dancing and walked outside to answer the phone. 'Hey Kelly. What's up?' 'Mac and I are on the way to the hospital with Stella. MAC HURRY UP!'she screamed into the phone. 'Aunt Kelly, tell me what's going on and tell me what's wrong with Stella.'I demanded. 'We were cleaning up the yard and we caught Stella trying to eat what we thought was a balloon and-' 'IT WASN'T A BALLOON! IT WAS A GOD DAMN CONDOM!'Mac yelled, interrupting Kelly. 'And now we think she might have caught a disease. Can you meet us at the hospital?' I sighed. 'Yeah. Let me just get someone to cover my class and I will be right there.' I hung up and ran back into the class and grabbed my bag. While I was packing up, one of the kids walked over to me and poked my side. I turned and saw one of my favorite kids in the class, Fiona. She's only five, but is very bright for her age. "What is it sweetie?"I asked her, kind of in a hurry. "Are you okay?"she asked. "Oh honey, I'm fine. I have to go somewhere right now, so why don't you go tell the kids that you are going to go upstairs and join Ms. Gonzalez's class today." Ms. Gonzalez is Margot's boss and even though I hate her guts, I have no other choice but to send the kids up there. "Okay." And with that she ran to the other kids and I sped off to the hospital. I hated to leave them, but I really had to go. Once at the hospital, I followed the sounds of hysterical freaking out and easily found Kelly, Mac, and Stella. "Hey. Have you seen the doctor yet?"I asked them as I walked towards the bed next to Mac. "Yes. He said he'd be back soon with the results."Kelly said. I picked up Stella and held her closely. For some reason she was my comfort object whenever stuff got really bad. A few minutes later the doctor came back and all eyes were on him. "All right. Your baby has HIV."he told us. It was a lot to take in for us. But then the doctor decided to open his mouth again. "Is how bad this could have gone. The condom was unused." It took everything in me to not beat the living shit out of this guy. Then Kelly did what I wanted to. She started screaming at him and practically jumped the guy. "WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT TO A COUPLE OF PARENTS?!"she screamed. This went on for a few minutes until we left. I told Mac and Kelly that I would take Stella to the park and then take her home so they could cool off. On the way home, I got a call from my boss Gina stating that since I left class early and fell asleep ONCE on the job that I was fired. I mentally screamed since Stella was napping in the back. The park really tired her out. When we got home, I grabbed Stella from the car and started to walk away from all the noise when Teddy ran up to me. "Hey."he said with a smile on his face. "Hi."I said curiously as to why he had a wad of cash in his hand. He noticed my wandering eyes. "Oh, right. Our house flooded and we needed money to fix it so we decided to sell stuff."he said. "That why there are girls walking away from your guys' stand with dildos?"I asked as I adjusted Stella on my hip. "Yeah. Made 'em ourselves. You want one?"he asked. "Trust me when I say this; if I wanted pleasure, then I'd get it from something real and something that isn't made of plastic. Bye." I started to walk away when I heard him yell something. "We're getting a hot tub though."he said. "I'll believe it when I see it."

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