Chapter 50

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6 months later

Taylor's POV

I'm never dating another girl again

Grayson is doing fine.

I think about Emma a lot....

Grayson knows who she is.

I show him pictures every single day.

"hey daddy" Grayson says.

"Hey buddy" I reply.

"i has a question" he says.

I nod.

"when is mommy coming back? She is in my dweams every night".

My heart just broke.

"Grayson. mommy isn't coming back. She died after you were born" I tell him.

"Liar!" he screams and runs away.

poor kid.

I walk down to the living room to find all the guys

"why'd he call you a liar?" Kian asks.

"he asked me when mommy was coming home and I said never and he doesn't believe me" I say.

Their faces turn sad.

"poor kid" jack g says.

We all watch a movie.

a/n I think I know where I'm going with the story! another update soon!

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