Chapter 32

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Taylor's POV

it's been 3 days since Emma has arrived at the hospital.

she hasn't woken up yet.

I'm starting to get nervous.

If she dies, then I die.

For real.

If my sweet baby dies.. then I will kill myself.

She needs to wake up.

I'm sitting next to her bed, listening to the steady beeps.

But then the beeps stop. Just a buzzing sound

all the sudden nurses and doctors come pouring in.

"401! we lost her! get her back" I hear a nurse yell.

"sir you need to leave" a doctor says to me.

"No! I cant! JUST MAKE HER LIVE." I scream.

This isn't happening.

"she's good! we got her back" a nurse says.

The 10 pounds of weight on my lungs wears off.

Emma's POV

all I see is black

I start hearing a faint crying.


I open my eyes and see him sitting there

How did I get in the hospital?

I check my wrists, nope I didn't cut.

"taylor" I whimper.

"emma? EMMA YOURE ALIVE" He screams while crying.

"what happened?" I ask.

"car accident, you're the only one who got hurt" he said.

"just my luck" I say sarcastically.

" you died for a few seconds like 3 minutes ago" he says.


"really?" I say.

He nods his head.

"I would've killed myself if you died" he said

wait, what?

"Taylor. don't say that. If the day comes and I do die, then i don't want you to kill yourself. please don't" i say, not really knowing how to respond.

"anything for you" he says with a wink

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