Chapter 48

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We head out to A taste of Italy and sit down.

"This is amazing Taylor." she says.

"no problem" I say.

I think I can start a future with her.

After dinner we go to the park and sit under the stars.

"I think I can fall for you taylor" she tells me.

"I think I can fall for you too melissa" I say back and we kiss under the stars.

*5 weeks later* (sorry for skipping time so much lately)

I was right, I did fall for her. No I haven't forgotten about emma, I just moved on.

I wake up the next morning with melissa and Grayson in my bed.

We are like A family.

I tap Melissa on the arm and she wakes up.

She is so beautiful.

We go out on the balcony.

"I love you. I trust you and you're so beautiful." I say.

"I love you too" she replies.

we kiss.

Melissa's POV

I finally gained his trust.

"I'm gonna go to work now" I tell him.

He nods

I drive over to my "work" and walk in.

"He trusts me now, I think we can finally get revenge" I tell Matt and Brooke.

"So when can you take the kid?" he asks.

"I can have him here by tomorrow." I say.

"perfect" he says.

A/N (authors note) plot twist! I'm rushing, I know. But I think after this whole Melissa thing is done I'm gonna focus on Brent or Kian. Unless y'all want it to stay with Taylor!

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