t w e n t y - f i v e

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"Central Park?" I asked.

"No." He replied, smirking at me.

"The zoo!" I exclaimed as the entrance of Central Park Zoo came into our view. I squealed and grabbed his hand before pulling him eagerly to the ticket office. I heard his deep laughter as he followed me, so I just grinned back at him.

"Two adult tickets please." I requested, opening my purse to find money.

"Thanks." Christian took the tickets and handed me one.

"I could have paid you know." I looked at him.

"But what kind of gentleman would I be if I made you pay?" he asked.

"Who said you were a gentleman?" I snorted.

"Your words, they cut so deep." He muttered.

"Lets go to see the snow leopard!" I exclaimed as soon as we saw the map. I pulled him along to the wildcats area, rushing past the little kids strolling past us. I pressed my hands and face up against the glass, my breath condensing on the cold glass.

"Look Christian!" I pointed out to the leopard moving stealthily in its enclosure. He chuckled beside me. "What?" I asked, looking at him.

"You look cute." He commented. That set off a deep blush in my cheeks. We stood together, enthralled by the magnificent white leopard before he spoke again. "What's your favourite animal?"

"The snow leopard of course. There's something about them that puts them above other leopards and large cats. They're so graceful and agile, living in the wild on cliffs and rocky terrain. Did you know they use their bushy tails as a scarf when they sleep? They're so beautiful, it's sad to think they are endangered. Oh and their cubs are the cutest fluff balls ever." I chattered excitedly while Christian listened with an amused look on his face.

As we strolled through the zoo I rattled off facts about some of the animals. "Did you know that penguins mate for life? I think that's so cute. Although Emperor penguins are douchebags and sometimes mate with other penguins. But I think it's amazing how they stick together till they die because they love each other. I know you can't say that for a penguin but they do. A love so strong that they stay together for life. An unbreakable bond. I can only wish for something like that." I sighed.

"You'll find love." Christian said.

"I'm not sure anymore." My eyes watered slightly as we walked out the park.

"Love is all around us. It's just a question of if we want to see it or to acknowledge it." We walked side by side, our hands touching as they swung. I felt Christian's little finger wrap round mine before his large warm hand engulfed my cold one.

"I can't fall in love." I told him.

"Why not?" he asked, concerned.

"Because I'm afraid of getting hurt again." I quickly wiped a stray tear away.

"You can't live your life afraid of getting hurt. You won't be able to live."

"What about your relationship with your dad? If don't talk to your dad you're always going to feel he hates you." I told him.

"Things are..."

"Complicated? Life is never simple. And it never goes the way we want it to. When life gives you lemons, you juice the hell out of them because you don't know when the next time you'll get the lemons again." Christian chuckled, his hot breath visible in the cold air.

"Hungry? I know a place that makes the best pizza." He said.

"I'm starving." I grinned at him. He just smirked and lead the way to the nearest subway station, while holding my hand. I never thought that I'd ever be comfortable around people, but with Christain I forget everything. I feel safe. I feel alive. But there's always the nagging voice at the back of my head warning me about getting too close to him.

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