f i f t e e n

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"Class, settle down." The teacher said, and with that the lesson started. Christian was a no show the entire period and he wasn't in my last class. I waited for him outside school so that we could go home but after ten minutes I gave up waiting and started making my way to The New York Public Library, which was a few blocks away. I had a few hours to kill before my shift and there was no point in going home first. I plugged my earphones in my ears and walked out the school. I had gone through three songs before I felt someone touch my shoulder. I screamed loudly and whipped around. My hand was on my thudding heart when I realised it was only Christian.

"Don't ever do that again!" I cried, as he laughed loudly. "That wasn't funny."

"Where do you think you're going young lady?" He sneered, his grubby hand on my shoulder tightened. I bit my lip to prevent myself from crying out in pain. It was definitely going to bruise.

"I... I..." I didn't have an answer.

"It looks like you were trying to escape. You were in the naughty room for a reason. I think you need a harsher punishment don't you think?" He smirked.

"No!" I gasped as he grabbed my wrist and took me to his room. I fought with all that I had left, but considering I was already weak it didn't take much effort for him to pull me.

He threw me in the room and turned to lock the door. I was scared of him, of the life I was living, of this house. Whimpering, I backed away from him as his face was twisted in a sneer so frightening it could scare even the dead.

"Please don't." I cried, tears falling down my face.

"Begging won't save you now." He spat, advancing towards me. I was so scared that I fainted. The blood in my veins was pumping too fast that I blacked out.

"Rori!" I heard Christian call. He was waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry what?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Where were you?" I snapped.

"I needed a cigarette because I hadn't taken one all day. But I didn't want to smoke in front of you because I knew you don't like them. I went to look for you after but you weren't there." He shrugged.

"Oh." I said. He was actually quite thoughtful even if I disliked his smoking.

"You thought I'd ditch you?" He asked, smirking.

"Well yeah."

"Now, now. Lets go. We have a project to do." He smirked.

"Sure." I agreed and followed him back to school. I stopped when we reached his bike. "I can't." I whispered.

"Come on. You tried it once, you can do it again." He smirked. "It was a good ride wasn't it?"

"I don't want to go on it." I said, walking backwards, away from the moving death trap.

"It's not that bad I promise." He said.

"No." I said before taking off. I didn't care what he thought I could let myself to get on the bike. As I ran I could hear Christian's shouts getting louder and the thump of his boots on the gravel.

He wrapped his arms around my torso and I screamed. "No! Don't make me go on that." I cried.

"Shh. Okay we won't take the bike. Lets take a taxi instead." He whispered as I cried into his shirt. He held me securely in his arms as I clutched on to his shirt. "Whatever you're scared of, I'm going to find out Rori and I going to find out why."

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