Baby sitting Sarah :)

Start from the beginning

"Hello Mil's you brought Sarah"

"Yeah is that okay?" I asked slightly worried.

"Of course it is come in everyone is here apart from Ross who just went out" she replied.

"Okay" I said and walked in to see the boys except Ross playing call of duty shouting at the telly and Rydel sitting on the sofa looking bored out of her mind so i went and sat next to her.

Milly Rydel

"Hey girl"

"Hey Mil's"

"Where did Ross go?"

"I have no idea"

"Oh okay"

Why did he ask me to come and when I get here he isn't here?

"Boys do u know where Ross went earlier?" I asked.

"Nope sorry Mil's" Riker said.

"It's okay" I replied.

I grabbed my phone out and texted Ross,

To:My baby boy:)

I'm at yours where are you?xxx

I then decided to check my twitter.

Wow a lot of people wanting my attention, I posted,

@MillyMoo: looking after this little cutie tonight:) have fun on you date Katie xx@KatieClown xxx pic 2732

Just then I got a text from Ross,

From:My baby boy:)

On way back now sorry I was at Austin and Ally set xxx

To:My baby boy:)

Okay xxx

Sarah woke up and started crying,

" shhh " I said soothenly into her ear as I cradled her.

Just then Ross walked in and when he saw me he smirked.

"Stormie can I make her a bottle please?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" she replied.

"Here babe ill take her you go make a bottle" Ross said standing up approaching me and taking Sarah from me. I walked j to the kitchen and made her a bottle and walked back into the living room to see Ross making her laugh.

"Pass her here babe" I said and he passes her over. I started feeding her when I noticed Ross had that smirk on his face again.

"What are you smirking at?" I asked.

"You look good with a baby"

"You can think again Hollywood" I stated.

He just sat their and looked at his phone and by the looks of it texting.

*4 hours later*

I've been at the Lynches for the past four hours and all Ross has done is have his face stuck in his phone texting someone but I didn't have a good feeling about it. it's now 6:00pm and I'm bored.

My phone buzzed it was a notification from twitter it said,

@RossR5: had a good day catching up and talking about teen beach movie two and I've missed having you as a friend @MaiaTucker<3xxxx

Hang on he has just forgiven her just like that!

That's who he has been texting all night and ignoring me!

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