District 2 Reapings (Ally and Hanz)

Start from the beginning

“Okay people. Time to leave. The Reapings start in about an hour.” A peacekeeper yelled. I put down the knives I was holding and exited the room. I jogged home and opened the door to my little sister Crystal. “Ally!” She yelled happily giving me a hug. “Hey Crystal, I have to go get ready to leave.” I patted her head then headed upstairs. Thank God dad wasn’t home, I really don’t want to deal with him today.

I looked for the dress I picked out last night. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. "Cole!" I yelled. He walked into my room. He couldn't hold a straight face even if he tried. "Give me my dress." I demanded. "What dress?" He joked. I gave him a glare. "Okay!" He yelled running out to get my dress. He came back throwing it at me and leaving quickly. The blue cloth felt nice. I threw it on. It felt nice on me. Though in the mirror it was missing something. I looked and looked till I found a black cardigan. It completed the look, and then I threw on some black boots and knew everything looked right.

I brushed my light brown hair then straitened it leaving it down. Now all I have to do is to keep up the cold and heartless demeanor and everyone will be afraid of me. I had to win. I just had to. Maybe if I won then my dad would finally accept me. He was a past victor and expected all of his kids to be the same. He never liked me. I was never good enough for him. He liked Chrystal and Cole but not me. As soon as I got ready I went down into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal and ate quickly. “Hi baby, how are you feeling?” my mother asked. I shot her a glare then continued eating quietly. I never liked my mother. She always tried to be friendly with me but I just brushed her off. I didn’t like her and didn’t want her near me. As soon as I give her my signature death glare she usually backs off.

When I finished I said goodbye to Cole and Chrystal. My mom said goodbye to me, but I didn't return the favor. I left quickly so I wouldn't run into my dad. The walk was long, but oh well. When I got there I check in like usual. I went to my section. Many girls gave me odd looks. "What?" I asked a girl who wouldn't stop. "N..nothing." She muttered. Oh stupid. "That's what I thought." I told and rolled my eyes. I don't understand why some people are so weak

I looked across the crowd of people then up to the front to see the escort. This year it was a man. Weird-o… His name was Crane Fletcher and he had bright yellow hair and yellow skin. I hate the color yellow. I glared up at him then turned my head to see a boy watching me. I think I had seen him in training but I wasn’t sure. I just gave him a death glare and he turned away. What a freak.

They pulled out a girl named Milla. I volunteered of course. I walked up to the podium walking strong. I could tell everybody's eyes were on me. Why wouldn't they be? I was stunning. Right? "What's your name?" The yellow dude asked. I gave him a cold look. "Wouldn't you want to know." I remarked. He blanked out. "Well here we have somebody." He announced. I looked for my dad. I found him glaring. Wasn't he proud of me? He just left! I won't let this get to me. I told myself. I gave everyone a wicked a smile.

 “Ally Winters” I gave a nasty smile as everyone cheered. The escort left me alone as he went to the boy’s bowl. “Lok..” She was cut off by a boy with dark hair and a huge muscular body. He looked quite intimidating. “I volunteer.” He yelled. “Alrighty then!” He smiled motioning for him to come up. “The name’s Hanz Armageddon and I’m going to bring victory to District 2.” He gave a smirk to Loki who looked like he wanted to punch him. Lots of boys raised their hands trying to volunteer but he just shot them all looks that said ‘Don’t do it or you’ll regret it.’ They all put their hands down as he gave a nice smile to everyone then griped my hand holding it up over our heads. “District 2 tributes!” Crane yelled.



So what do you guys think of Ally and Hanz chances so far?

Awwww Ally's daddy walked away!! Meanie ;(

Gosh Hanz don't be so confident... You could loose you know.

And was that just me or do you guys think that Hanz was a total creeper lol? jk :P

What do you guys think of the Careers so far?

I think my character Ally is pretty mean lol.

Remember if you don't comment you go into the blood bath!!

Stabs desk with knife. "THAT IS MAHOGANY!" Effie Trinket screams from another room.


Like. Love. Hate.

Till we speak again my lovelys! May the Odds be ever in your favor!


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