"Well I still do care about her and as much as I would wanna tell that douche off, it's not my place. Unfortunately it's yours." "I'm not gonna do that to him. We may not be on speaking terms, but I still care about his reputation."

"Are you listening to yourself right now Morgan? You're defending the person who just hurt your feelings." "I know why but at the same time I don't know why. I just feel like we've been through too much and if I ever said anything it would ruin my friendship with him and my relationship with my sister." "This isn't about what makes them happy, it should be about what makes you happy."

"Well I'm not happy either way." I said Turning back around.
"Morgan I told you not to come today." My coach laughed. "I know but I needed to see my girls kick Alachua's ass." "Alright Morgan, but don't you dare come to practice tomorrow." "Okay Okay Fine." I laughed.

"Ughh remind me why you won't let me go home?" Tanner asked sitting next to me. "Because it's my car and you don't have anything better to do at home." "How do you know that? I might have a date or something." "Now that you said that I know for a fact that you don't have a date." "But what if I did?"

"I would make you walk your ass home." "That's a long walk though." "Not really, if you cut through Lowell Ave you'll get there faster."

"You didn't get in the car like I told you the other day didn't you?" "Nope I didn't, I didn't wanna talk to him." "Did he try to talk to you?" "Yeah and I said what I had to say and he said what he had to say."

"What was it all about anyway?" "Nothing just stupid stuff." "Whatever you say."

"Yo Tanner." A voice said coming from behind. It was Justin and Julian walking towards us. "What's up?" Tanner asked while they did their boy handshake. "Nothin I'm just here to watch the game." "You mean you're here to watch Camila." "Maybe, maybe not. Why aren't you playing?" He asked Turning to me. I noticed Julian turn to the side and started using his phone.

"I got injured, rolled my ankle." I lied as Julian looked right at me. "Damn that sucks, but it could be worse." "Yeah I get injured all the time, but Julian here knows exactly how to treat an injury. One time he broke his arm, but as soon as he got the cast off he bounced right back."

"Yo Justin and Tanner." Another boy on the team called out. "We'll be right back." Tanner said running off. Now it was just Julian and I and then tension was stronger than ever. There were times that we didn't speak, but not like this.

I noticed him staring at me, but when I looked back he looked away. As much as I wanted to talk it out with him he did me wrong like Miles said. Standing right next to him made everything worse because he was the last person I wanted to see.

"I'm going home, can you tell my brother that I left?" I asked him. "Yeah." He replied and that was it.

On my way home I thought about how stupid I sounded talking to Miles, but something always lead me to defend the boy who broke me. He's someone I never wanted to come in contact with, but then when I met him he was exactly what I was looking for. He did these crazy things, but I just wanted to experience more.

As I walked up to my room I heard sniffling from my sisters room. "Hi lex you feeling okay?" "Not at all." She said burying her face into her pillow. "You were fine yesterday." "Yeah Well things change."

"Okay something is clearly up." "No shit." "Relax, talk to me." "You were right." "About?" "Julian. He's a complete asshole." "I couldn't agree more. What did he do?"

"So last night he invited me over so we could hang or whatever and then he asked me to homecoming, but informed me after that he had also invited you." "Listen about that-" "Relax he told me the plan so I'm not mad."

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