Chapter 37 - The End.

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"What is?" I asked.

"Even with Richard, I never felt like I could take a break or be afraid. I always felt like I was a shield for the pack by myself... I'm actually happy I didn't have to fight Trevor... I wouldn't have killed him..." he bit his lip. He looked at me. "Thank you." I gave a slight smile before it wavered.

"I don't think I would have killed Nicholas if you weren't there. He just... got to me." Nicholas was really good at making me question myself, but it didn't matter how weak I felt, I wouldn't let Karabo get hurt or turn himself into someone he wasn't.

"Well, he's not a problem anymore. You fixed it," he said grinning.

"Because of you." I kissed his cheek. I chuckled seeing his eyes gleam happily. "I guess sometimes even though we don't want help, we're going to get it... It's weird... but I like it."

"Yeah. Me too. It's good that we're both really stubborn." He nodded. We laughed. "I love you, Alpha," he mumbled.

"Pffft, you're going to have to say that louder if you want to keep touching any part of me." I rolled my eyes as I pulled my hand from his. He laughed jumping up and back-hugging me tightly. I felt his chin lean on my shoulder as I placed my hands on the arms around my neck.

"I love you," he repeated loudly into my ear making me shove him away from me. It's wasn't a shout but it fricking hurt.

"Asshole." I grabbed his arms and pulled him back to me so his back was against my chest now before I locked my arms around him the way he had done to me. "I love you too, Alpha." I chuckled.

I let him go slightly so he could turn around and he lifted his hands to my face as he smiled. I could feel that my grin was just as big as I stared into his brown eyes. I shut my eyes in despair for a moment hearing a knock from the front door and Karabo shook his head at my reaction as we heard the door open.

"Alpha?" someone called.

"She's looking for you, Love," I said immediately.

"No. They don't know I'm here yet, they're looking for you," he replied.

"We're looking for the both of you." Karabo and I turned towards the kitchen opening as a young woman walked in. "Council meeting."

"Again?" I asked. 'Can't they just email us?' I linked to Karabo. I was pretty certain whatever they wanted to speak to us about were things we had already been told with the Betas and they just wanted to repeat it with us together. He began laughing and the girl stared at us confused.

"We'll be right there, Vanessa." Karabo smiled.

She gave a nod and left. I let out a sigh dropping my hands onto Karabo's waist. He chuckled taking hold of my hands and leading the way out of the kitchen.

"The first thing we're going to change after we officially merge is having council meetings about things that can be emailed to everyone," I said as we headed out of the house.

"I agree," he said with a yawn.

I chuckled watching him groan as he drank more water. Karabo's pack never let anyone sleep on arrival, did they?


"Eli, look at him. He's so adorable. We have to take him." Karabo said. I refused to look at it.

"No," I replied sternly.

Both packs' elders had come to the conclusion that even though the Betas had lost, they had put up a great fight and so proved their abilities. We had merged successfully and a few people from our packs had immediately migrated to the other to see what it was like. Of course members from my pack found Karabo's pack's mating traditions weird, and his members found our lack of hunting weird, but we were all learning from – and sometimes offending – each other. It was fun.

Alpha Mates (BoyxBoy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang