"What the heck is that?" She asked herself quietly. Due to the fact she hadn't seen anything of the outside world (besides a laptop) in 30 years or so, she had no idea what a Honda Odyssey looked like.
   She walked up to it and saw her reflection. The same as before, except she had a few leaves and a small twig in her hair, and dried blood from a cut on her naturally black lips.
   She wiped it away with the sleeve of her uniform.

   Ugh, I was supposed to have killed Molly already...why can't I find this stupid Academy?!

   She stamped her foot like a toddler not getting her way after a mother in a grocery store says "no."
   After about 30 seconds she sighed and was about to walk away weakly (it had been days since she'd had blood and she was hungry, as well as tired) when she heard laughter emerging from the forest.
   A man and a woman came onto the road from the woods, both wearing hiking clothes. They looked like they were in their mid-40s or so.
   The woman had Sandy blond hair, and the man had brown hair with gray streaks.

   "All I'm saying, luv, is just because it looked like a giant, spooky, castle, doesn't mean it was haunted." The man said.

Are they talking about the Academy?

   Afterall, if a human were to come across the Academy, the Realm Shield would prevent them from seeing something they'd think as welcoming to enter, causing them to leave. Josephine acted.

   This is going to be fun. She thought.

   "Excuse me! Hullo! I need help, I'm injured!" She called out to the couple in a British accent. Then she reached behind her back, and cut her wrist open deeply with her nail. The blood spilled out and onto the ground, creating the perfect distraction.
   She winced and showed the concerned-looking couple her arm.

  "Oh, my. Phillis, grab the mobile out of the auto." The man said to his wife.
    She nodded and ran to the drivers side, on the left. They must've gotten the car from America.
   She pulled out a cellphone and handed it to her husband, who was looking at Josephine's wound. He was about to dial, when suddenly he dropped the phone, and complete, white shock and confusion crossed over like a wave onto his face.
   Her wounds started to heal itself. The skin sealed itself up as quickly as it had been broken apart, like wounds always do for vampires.
   He averted his eyes from the wound and to her face to see that she was smiling. Before he could call out to his wife, Josephine's fangs were out and she threw her tiny, 14-year-old body onto the innocent, British man.
   He was screaming as she dug her fingers into his eyes and sank her teeth into his neck, where she ripped out bits and pieces of his skin, like a dog tearing apart a chew toy. The intoxicating, sweet, and glorious taste of blood poured into Josephine's mouth, and she drank as if she'd never had a drop of blood in her undead life. It was as if she couldn't get enough. And she couldn't.
   The wife was screaming at the top of her lungs, apparently too shocked to move. Josephine drank and drank, until she started to get a headache. She stopped for a second to take a breath, then she laughed a little and snapped the man's neck to make him shut up.
    Her red eyes were glowing, and she had blood running down her whole front, especially her mouth. She zoomed towards the wife, grabbing her by the neck, picking her up, then throwing the woman down onto the hood of the Odyssey. The hood bent slightly on impact.
   She was crying and kicking at Josephine's legs and grabbing at the tight grip around her neck, but it was hopeless. Josephine just laughed at the woman's pain.

   "Now," She said, "One- I need you to shut up. And two- I need you to tell me where this castle you found is."  Her voice was rough and serious, a hint of her laughter still there. When the woman wouldn't stop crying and screaming, Josephine simply rolled her eyes and covered her mouth with her free hand until she stopped.
   The woman whimpered, and Josephine, growing impatient, picked the woman up and threw her down again, much harder.

Gores of Grimoire (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now