Revealing Power

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    Victoria locked the door of the bathroom once she was in. She immediately started to panic; breathing heavily, she ran her fingers through her long hair. Feeling the soft strands slowly fade away the farther her hand went down. This technique has calmed her for as long as she could remember. 

    Eventually, after she was calm, a freshman girl came out of one of the stalls, and upon seeing Victoria, she said "Oh, it's the freak." 

    Victoria looked down at her hands and saw Mackenzie's fresh blood all over them. She instantly felt something she had never felt before while looking at blood: hunger. She lifted her hands to her mouth, for she could not take the intense hunger any longer. She licked all the blood off of her hands like a savage who had not eaten in ages.


    Once finished, she had to have more. The freshman girl was about to leave the bathroom when Victoria zoomed in front of her, blocking the exit. She quickly bit the girl's neck, not too kindly. She was too in shock to scream. 

     Victoria sucked the sweet blood from her veins, allowing the red liquid to fill her up, and give her more power than she had ever experienced in this life. The feeling, however did not last long. Victoria became cautious; she didn't want to kill her. She pulled away instantly, her fangs being ripped from the bloody, gaping neck. The freshman girl looked at her with scared eyes, and Victoria looked back with an equal look. She started breathing rapidly and was about to scream when Victoria looked her in the eyes, and simply said, "Please. Don't." Her face became blank, and no sound emitted from her.

     Compulsion; something vampires used to their advantage often at times. Victoria stumbled back to the wall when the girl did nothing.

     " not do anything..because I said not to?" Victoria asked quietly in her oh-so raspy voice. She nodded. Victoria was relieved, but felt guilty.


   The girl cleaned up her neck, and went out of the bathroom without any trouble. After she left, Victoria locked the door again, and went to the corner. She sank to the floor and held her knees to her chest. She buried her face into her knee caps for a while, feeling ashamed of what she'd become.

     Moments passed in complete silence, until everything that happened outside the restroom interfered, and broke the silence. She heard everything perfectly; it was almost as if she was standing right next to everyone.

    "Oh my God, are you okay, Lori?" Another ninth grader asked the girl Victoria just fed on.

    "Did you see the psychopath?!"

    "Did she do anything?" People around her asked. 

     " No. No, she didn't do anything, so why don't you just leave her alone." She simply said. Victoria was yet again relieved.

    "Well, I'm calling the cops for Mackenzie, she's still not moving." Mark said. Where were the teachers? Victoria wondered. Then she remembered that they were in a meeting that couldn't be interrupted. And no one wanted to, anyway. After Victoria heard Mark, she began to panic again. What was she going to do? She buried her face even more and rocked back and forth.


"Victoria, why are you crying? What's wrong?" Her uncle asked at 3:47 A.M.

"It..was just a dream. Sorry to wake you," she sniffed. He looked at her with sadness. He knew it was a lie.

"Do you miss them?" He asked. She looked up at him, hesitant to respond at first, but she nodded slowly.

"Why did they leave? Am accident...a mistake?" She asked, causing more tears to slowly flow from her eyes involuntarily. He was taken aback by this question, even though he understood ahy she was asking.

"No. Victoria, if you are anything, it will never be accident. They'll be back in your life in the future, but for now, this is to keep you safe." He told her. He turned on a small light and read "A Tale of Two Cities" to her. She slowly drifted off that night, feeling happier, and less lonely.
He left her room quietly and went to the library. He climbed the spiral staircase to the top shelf and pulled out a thick, brown book; Book of Grimoire. He flipped to a certain page and stared at it for a few minutes before making a decision. The next day was when he started telling Victoria the stories of their supernatural-believed family. She of course didn't believe him.


    As she sat in the bathroom thinking of those memories, and decided to test the theories out. She slowly stood up and walked over to the mirror, gasping and backing up from the image that was before her. 

    Her skin was paler than it had ever been before. Her lips were as black as coal; she wiped them trying to take the black off, but it remained. Her eyes were a deep, dark red that seemed to slightly glow. She had razor sharp fangs piercing out of her gums. She opened her mouth wide and poked one fang, causing it to slide back into her gums through a small hole, which hurt more than she expected, causing her to wince. 

    She went through, in her mind, the known things that vampires can do..

    I can clearly drink blood, I used compulsion, my hearing is enhanced, I have speed, strength, what else? 

    She stared at the corner in the other end of the room, deep in thought, when all if a sudden a blue cloudy substance surrounded her, and she disappeared from the spot she was in, to the corner that had previously held her attention. She froze for a minute to think about what just happened.

    "Wow." She said in her deep, raspy voice. She then remembered the legend of vampires walking up walls and across ceilings like it was the ground. She looked at the wall, then up at the ceiling.


      "Am I becoming Spider-Man or something?" She said to herself, then she closed her eyes and walked towards the wall, feeling surprised when she didn't run right into it. When she opened her eyes, she saw that everything was upside-down. Her hair hung down like vines from a tree around her head. When she looked at her feet, it felt the same as standing on the floor, except gravity wanted to win against the supernatural forces.

     When she got down, she decided it was time to leave. She hesitated before unlocking the door and stepping out into the familiar concrete hallway of her school. Everyone at the end of the hall immediately turned and watched her. She saw Mackenzie's limp, but alive, body on the ground by the lockers. 

     I am a monster.  She thought. She walked into the crowd, which parted like the Red Sea, and out the front doors. She continued through the parking lot before breaking into her new speed. She was heading for the Grimoire Manor deep in the woods. As she zipped passed the trees, another memory came to mind.


     Victoria's sixteenth birthday didn't start out the best way. She ended up with a fresh patch of bruises and hurt feelings when she asked if she could have a party and her foster parents said no. That day, Miss Jacobs paid a visit, and said Victoria was needed for a couple hours for business related issues. Of course, they bought the lie.

     She took Victoria to the mall, the ice cream shop, and finally to a restaurant. She gave her presents, such as: a sketchbook, pens, manga books, new clothes, and a prepaid cellphone. Victoria hugged her and made sure to show how much she appreciated the gifts. After the best day of the life she could remember, Victoria went "home" and had to hide her presents. 

    They were special to her, and she made sure no one else would take them away. When she couldn't stand to be there any longer, she would lock her door, grab her hoodie, and jump out the window. She would go to the Manor, still remembering where it was. 

   When she would get there, she'd climb up the side and settle on the slanted roof, where she would lie down and look up at the stars. It was as if everything in her life automatically became better when she did this. So, almost every night after that, she'd sneak away, and go to the one place she felt safe. To the one place she felt welcome.


     When she arrived at the Manor, she ran up the side until she was on the roof. She turned towards the direction from which she came and looked at the school. It was about two miles away, yet she was looking right inside of it as if she were standing at the doors. 

    She definitely had enhanced sight.

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