James' Story (Narrative continued by James)

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" You see, Victoria, I am very old. I have stayed nineteen since 1643. Times were rough, and I was a hunter. A vampire hunter. When I was a boy, I had a brother, a best friend, and my parents. My brother's name was Elijah. My best friend, was a girl named Rachael. 


Elijah was in love with Rachael, Rachael in love with me, and I just wanted to stay friends. When we were about fifteen, maybe sixteen, and Elijah a year older than us, the three of us decided to go into the woods. We figured, what was the harm? This was the time society had begun to know about witches. Now, understand this: there is no good or bad witch, there is only witch. They channel their power from Hell. It is not something you want to mess with. Anyway, we were young and foolish. We traveled further into the woods, and Rachael got scared. Elijah thought I loved her back, so he wanted to prove himself; win her heart. He said 'Look now, Rachael, see thy cave?' she nodded. There was a cave, a dark and not- very-inviting cave, and he spoke again, 'I shall go into thy cave, into the darkest spot, and gather you a precious stone.'" I paused for a moment. The memory was sad to me. Yet, it was so distant it almost felt like a bad dream.

" We thought it was a terrible idea, so we talked him out of it, and we went back home, back to our families. Elijah acted like everything was fine between us, but I now realize I was a fool for thinking that. Anyway, we went to bed later than usual that night, because it was considered our family night. My mother washed other peoples clothes and cooked dinner. My father was a lawyer. That day they had both gotten paid, so my mother cooked a nice dinner and father was in a specially good mood. Elijah read out of the Bible, and we played games. When we all went to bed, I heard something outside the window. Elijah heard it, too (we shared a room), so we got up and opened the window. Rachael was there. She climbed in and said,
'My parents! They have gone missing!' She was freaking out. A girl her age without parents had nothing to do and was considered a waste among the communities of the Puritans. Our parents were sound asleep, so we went out to try and find them. Into the woods. No matter where we turned, we kept getting lost, until we came upon the cave from earlier. Elijah, stopped dead in his tracks, looked at me, then punched me. I was knocked out, the last thing I heard was Rachael's voice, worried.


When I awakened, Elijah and Rachael were both gone. The moon was fully out, and at its highest peak. I got up quickly, able to see everything now, and saw a shadow huddled in the cave, and a strong smell if something..very much full of iron. I walked over, terribly afraid, and saw something I will never forget as long as I live. Elijah was dead, and Rachael was over his body, covered in blood. She looked at me and stood up.

'I tried, James, I really did. But he ran into the cave and cut his hand.' She walked closer to me, explaining.
I was breathing fast and heavy at this point, backing up, looking into the glowing, red, hungry eyes of the sweet girl I once knew. She was a monster.

'You...do-don't have parents, do you?' I asked her. She stopped walking towards me and started stammering. I asked again. This time she looked to the ground with the look of complete and utter shame.

'No, James, I don't.' She said. Her voice was cracking, and tears slowly fell down her cheeks. I wanted to forgive her, I really did, but she killed my brother and lied to me.

'How long?' I asked.

'My whole life.'

'Then why do you age? I have known you since we were just young children!' I exclaimed.

'There are different kinds of vampires. I stop aging once I reached a certain age. Probably eighteen or nineteen. My parents broke the law of the Night Children and were put to death, and that was three years ago.' She explained to me. I felt bad for her, but my family, we were hunters. We killed her kind and many more.

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