Chapter 1

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I was talking to my best friend Margot when I heard my aunt calling for me. "Kiana! Can you come here please?"I heard her yell. "Yeah! Just give me a sec!"I yelled back. I then put my phone back to my ear. "Hey, I gotta go. I'll call you back."I told Margot. "Okay, cool. Hey don't forget to ask your aunt and uncle if I can stay over tonight. Jess is bringing her boyfriend over."Margot said. Jess is Margot's older sister who is currently crashing with her for a while. "Yeah, I won't forget. Bye."I said before hanging up. I got up from my bed and walked into where I heard my aunt calling for me. The dining room. When I got in there, I saw the most disturbing thing ever. My aunt with no pants or underwear on with only a shirt that barely covered her ass and my uncle shirtless with his underpants on. I almost threw up on the spot. "Can you take Stella for a few minutes, please."Aunt Kelly asked. I quickly nodded and took Stella into my arms. "Oh, Margot wants to know if she can stay over tonight."I said. "Yeah, sure she can. We love Margot. She can even come over now if she wants."my uncle said. I nodded and smiled. "Thanks. I'm gonna take Stella out of here and you guys can go on doing whatever it was you were doing."I said before quickly exiting the room with Stella still in my arms. "Did you hear that Stell? Margot's coming. You like Margot, right?"I asked in a baby voice as we entered my room. She responded squealing and talking 'baby'. I sat her down on the floor and handed her a doll of hers that had been left in my room while I texted Margot. 'Hey, Mac & Kelly said u could stay. Even invited u to come over rn.'I texted. Not two minutes later I got a text back. 'Yay! See you in a bit.'she responded. She's always the over-enthusiastic one out of the both of us. I rolled my eyes at her text and put my phone back in my pocket and crouched down to Stella, who was chewing on the dolls head. "Kia! Come say goodbye to Mac! Bring Stella too!"I heard my aunt yell. I chuckled and swept Stella into my arms and walked into the living room. "Bye Uncle Mac."I said kissing his cheek. "Bye Kia. Bye sweetie."he said saying his farewell to me and Stella. "Say 'bye daddy'."I said in a baby voice and using her tiny hand to wave. He grabbed her hand and kissed it before kissing her on the head and then my aunt walked him out. Stella then started crying and I could quiet literally smell that she wasn't hungry. I walked into her room, set her down on the changing table, and changed her diaper. She stopped crying soon after I picked her back up, but her lip was still quivering a little. "Does that feel better?"I asked in my baby voice once again. I have got to get out of that habit. "You know you'd make an excellent mother one day." I jumped and turned around. "Jesus Christ, Kelly! You scared the shit out of me."I stated. Her and Uncle Mac don't really care if I call them by their first names. "Sorry, but it's true."she said while taking Stella from my arms. "Yeah, I really don't see that happening."I told her as I threw away Stella's dirty diaper. "You don't see yourself becoming a mother one day?'she questioned. I turned back around to face her. "I just don't see kids in my plan. I mean, I don't even have a boyfriend. I just think that if I were to have a boyfriend, then maybe I would consider kids in the future."I explained to her. She nodded and seemed to get it. I then heard the doorbell ring. "That's Margot."I said before running to answer the door. The minute I opened it, I was basically attacked by Margot giving me a hug. "Glad to see you too Margot. Now get off of me."I said pushing her off of me. "Sorry about that."she said while walking in. Then Kelly walked in. "Hey Margot."she said coming over and hugging her. "Hey Mrs. Radner."she said hugging Kelly back. We all ended up talking and playing with Stella until Mac got back.

A/N~Kiana up top

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