Chapter one

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Years ago

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" Blake asked. Scared.

Blake's mother grabbed her forearm and led her upstairs.

"Let's hide upstairs, daddy will fight them off and join us later. OK?" she said, smiling a comforting smile. Blake nodded. Following her mother up the stairs. 

They hid under the stairs. Explosions, shouts, and screams filled their ears.

Blake fell asleep in her mother's arms.

She woke up to her father yelling for them. They joined him. 

Blake ran over to hug him. She was so glad he was alive. But all good things must come to an end.

Someone jumped through the window. Her mother screamed as it attacked her. Ripping her limbs apart. Feasting on her body.

Blake screamed as her father quickly shot the person, and Blake went up to get a closer look of her mother.

Her once beautiful face was torn to bits. Her round plump body was missing the chest. The intestines were scattered around her corpse.
Her beautiful dress was ripped to shreds.

"Mom?" Blake whispered.

Her father slowly started crying. "No. Sarah." He chocked out.

He collapsed in front of her ignoring the people trying to get in. Blake hid under the table. Sensing something was wrong. Another person attacked her father. They kept coming. Kept eating. Kept killing.

Shots rang out. The people falling to the ground dead. Alex and Dani ran in the house closing the door and locking it.

"their dead" Alex whispered.

"Where's Blake. Her body isn't here?" Dani quickly said.

"Blake?" they yelled.

She crawled out from under the table. They sighed when they saw she was OK.

"What's wrong with mum and daddy?" she asked.

They faces were a sad one and Blake Understood.

"I'm so sorry Blake" Dani said and pulled Blake into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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